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Before leaving, I wrote to Francis informing him that the death of a relative obliged me to return to Europe, and giving him your address, so as not to seem to be running away from him. Then I went on board, and at last reached your home. Dixi!"

For the present, DIXI. But between ourselves, this Pinto, who fought at the Colosseum, who was nearly being roasted by the Inquisition, and sang duets at Holyrood, I am rather sorry to lose him after three little bits of Roundabout Papers. Et vous?

There is a great deal of gold and silver a few clouds here and there. But you have nothing to fear. The vessel will be sometimes tossed about, but it will not be lost. Dixi." Madame said, "When shall I die, and of what disease?" "I never speak of that," said she; "see here, rather but fate will not permit it.

Scores of times they called me 'Reverend Mother. 'Open the door, I humbly pray you, Reverend Mother, pleaded Mother Sub-Prioress at the keyhole. 'Dixi: Custodiam vias meas, chanted Mary Antony, in a beauteous voice! . . . 'Open, open, Reverend Mother! besought a multitude without.

I am no biblical scholar. The Latin of thy namesake Jerome is a barrier I cannot overleap. 'Dixit ad me Dominus Dens. Dixi ad Dominum Deum. No, thank you, holy Jerome; I can stand a good deal, but I cannot stand thy Latin. Nay; give me the New Testament! 'Tis not the Greek of Xenophon; but 'tis Greek. And there be heathen sayings in it too. For St. Paul was not so spiteful against them as thou.

To enable me to write well, I have only to think that my readers will belong to that polite society: 'Quoecunque dixi, si placuerint, dictavit auditor. Should there be a few intruders whom I can not prevent from perusing my Memoirs, I must find comfort in the idea that my history was not written for them.

-Ego deum genus esse semper dixi et dicam caelitum, Sed eos non curare opinor, quid agat humanum genus; Nam si curent, bene bonis sit, male malis, quod nunc abest. We have already remarked that Ennius scientifically inculcated the same irreligion in a didactic poem of his own; and it is evident that he was in earnest with this freethinking.

Upon the whole, I think this proposal advantageous to you, as you probably will not make use of your seat this parliament; and, further, as it will secure you from another unpaid journey from Dresden, in case they meet, or fear to meet, with difficulties in any ensuing session of the present parliament. Whatever one must do, one should do 'de bonne grace'. 'Dixi'. God bless you!

To enable me to write well, I have only to think that my readers will belong to that polite society: 'Quoecunque dixi, si placuerint, dictavit auditor. Should there be a few intruders whom I can not prevent from perusing my Memoirs, I must find comfort in the idea that my history was not written for them.

IN OMNI ORATIONE: 'everywhere throughout my speech'. Tota oratione would have meant 'my speech viewed as a whole'. DEFENDERET: the tense is accommodated to that of dixi, according to Latin custom; see n. on 42 efficeret. CANI: sc. capilli; the same ellipsis is found in Ovid. FRUCTUS ... EXTREMOS: 'receives the reward of influence at the last'.

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