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Orat. ad Graecos, c. xiii. And this is therefore that saying: The darkness comprehends not the light. John i. 5. And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. It is the formula used, especially by St. Luke, in quotation from the Old Testament Scriptures. The other passage is: Orat. ad Graecos, c. xix. All things were by him, and without him hath been made nothing.

De Invent. i. 5, 6; de clar. Orat. 76. Ad Fam. vii. 19. De Div. ii. 1. Ad Atticum. iv. 16. Orat. 16. Orat. 14, 31. Orat. 21, 29. Ad Fam. vi. 18. See Middleton, vol. ii. p. 147. De Legg. i. 5. Ang. Mai. præf. in Remp. Middleman, vol. i. p. 486 Quinct. Inst. xi. 1. Ad Atticum, xiii. 13, 16, 19. Ad Fam. ix. 16, 18. Tusc. Quæst v. 4, 11. Ibid. iii. 10, v. 27. De Nat.

Orat., T. animadverts upon the custom here obliquely censured: nunc natus infans delegatur Graeculae alicui ancillae. In the early ages of Roman History it was not so, see Becker's Gall. Exc. 2. scene 1. Delegantur. Delegamus, quum, quod ipsi facere debebamus, id per alterum fieri curamus. Separet. For the use of the subj. pres. after donec, see note, 1. erumpat. Agnoscat==faciat ut agnoscatur.

It now became the fashion to decry Cicero as inflated, languid, tame, and even deficient in ornament; Mecænas and Gallio followed in the career of degeneracy; till flippancy of attack, prettiness of expression, and glitter of decoration prevailed over the bold and manly eloquence of free Rome. Contra Rull. ii. 1. De Legg. ii. 1, iii. 16; de Orat. ii. 66. Plutarch, in Vitâ.

Johnson's observations on Addison's writings may be well applied to those of Cicero, who would have been eminently successful in short miscellaneous essays, like those of the Spectator, had the manners of the age allowed it. Orat iii. 4; Tusc. Quæst. ii. 3; de Off. i. 1. Paradox. præfat. Quinct. Instit. xii. 2. Article, Plato, in the Encyclopædia Metropolitana. Acad.

Pro Muræn. 34. De Orat. partit. 8, 16, 17. Pro Rabir. 8. In Verr. v. 56, etc., and 64, etc. Philipp. iii. 4. In Verr. vi. 10. Post Redit. in Senat. i. 4-8; pro Dom. 9, 39, etc.; in Pis. 10, 11. Philipp. ii. 18, etc. Pro Sext. 8-10. Pro Planc. 41, 42. Pro Fonteio, 17. Vid. his ideal description of an orator, in Orat. 40. Vid. also de clar.

Orat., lib. ii., cap. 20, where he defines Maratarexvia to be a certain unnecessary imitation of art, which really does neither good nor harm, but is as unprofitable and ridiculous as was the labour of that man who had so perfectly learned to cast small peas through the eye of a needle at a good distance that he never missed one, and was justly rewarded for it, as is said, by Alexander, who saw the performance, with a bushel of peas."

God verily would not have his temple to be made open to unworthy and unclean worshippers; nor was it free for such men to enter into the temple. See Nazianzen, Orat. 21. The same thing is witnessed and declared by divers late writers, such as have been and are more acquainted with the Jewish antiquities.

Quæst. i. 10, etc.; Lucullus, 5; de Legg. i. 20; iii. 3, etc. Acad. Quæst. i. 4, 12, 13; Lucullus, 5 and 23; de Nat. Deor. i. 5; de Fin. ii. 1; de Orat. iii. 18. Augustin. contra Acad. ii. 6. Plutarch, in Colot. 26. "Arcesilas negabat esse quidquam, quod sciri posset, ne illud quidem ipsum quod Socrates sibi reliquisset.

Quæst. i. 1, v. 29; de Fin. i. 3, 4; de Off. i. 1; de Div. ii. 1, 2. Div. Leg. lib. iii. sec. 9. See Tusc. Quæst and de Republ. See Fabricius, Bibliothec. Latin.; Olivet, in Cic. opp. omn.; Middleton's Life. Quinct. Inst. x. 7. De Invent. ii. 2 et 3; ad Fam. i. 9. Cf. de part. Orat. with de Invent. Orat. 19. Vossius, de Nat. Rhet. c. xiii.; Fabricius, Bibliothec. Latin.

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