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Joe started, clapped his hand behind him, and grasped his inexpressibles, which were smouldering warmly. Ruby assisted, and the fire was soon put out, amidst much laughter. "'Ang them reflectors!" said Joe, seating himself, and breathing hard after his alarm and exertions; "it's the third time they've set me ablaze." "The reflectors, Joe?" said Ruby. "Ay, don't ye see?

Marks College Band and we know who is at the head of that Band, and why it plays for our feast. Da Hua dare not look up for she too knows it is for her that the Head Master is bringing congratulations thus. When the Band stops playing all clap hands for more, Miss Powers stand up and say, "Seng Meng. Bing Ang, and many times thank you. Ke Dang."

Their early successes were phenomenal; they captured city after city, moving northwards through Kuangsi into Hunan, whence, after a severe check at Ch`ang-sha, the provincial capital, the siege of which they were forced to raise, they reached and captured, among others, the important cities of Wu-ch`ang, Kiukiang, and An-ch`ing, on the Yangtsze.

Sponge only allowed him two shillings a day for expenses wherever he was. 'Well, you're a cool hand, anyhow, observed Mr. Sponge, quite taken by surprise. 'Cool 'and, or not cool 'and, replied Leather, munching away, 'I'll do my duty to my master. I'm not one o' your coatless, characterless scamps wot 'ang about livery-stables ready to do anything they're bid.

That's it!" And he nodded emphatically. "Give a reskil rope enough an' he'll 'ang hisself by the neck till he be dead, and the Lord ha' mercy on his soul!" Maryllia smiled, watching all her three quaint visitors with a sensation of mingled interest and whimsical amusement. "D'ye hear?

"Now be a succouring angel, and make a clean breast of it. Who is my landlady?" Marietta drew back a little. Her brown old visage wrinkled up, perplexed. "Who is the Signorino's landlady?" she repeated. "Ang," said he, imitating the characteristic nasalised eh of Italian affirmation, and accompanying it by the characteristic Italian jerk of the head.

Miss Flora, too, would be just as wild if she weren't good and bidable, w'ich is 'er salvation; an' the baby oh! you wouldn't believe it! didn't I catch that hinfant, only the other day, tryin' to throw a summerset in its bed, in imitation of Master William, an' yesterday morning I caught Master Charles trying to teach it to 'ang on to the clo'se-rope in the nursery by its toes!

A burst of mocking laughter then proved to the wretched man that his tormentors had practised on him the refined cruelty of half-hanging him. If he had had any doubt on this subject, the remark of the interpreter, as he afterwards left him in his cell to recover as best he might, would have dispelled it "We will 'ang you dead de nex' time!"

For mixti, cf. 4: locum mixtum. For copiis in this sense, 22: annuis copiis. For the other sense, viz. forces, 24: copiis, note. Hinc hinc==on this side on that. Cf. note G. 14: illum illam. Victus. Al. auctus. Ad manus et arma. Ang. to arms. Oppugnasse depends on fama. Their preparations were great. Castella adorti is the means by which they metum addiderant, i.e. had inspired additional fear.

I suppose our whispering had been heard, for just as we were being steered pretty close to the anchored junk, a deep rough voice hailed us something after this fashion, which is as near as I can get to the original "Ho hang wong hork ang ang ha?" "Ning toe ing nipy wong ony ing!" cried Ching. "Oh ony ha, how how che oh gu," came from the junk again, and then we were right on ahead.

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