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"Powerful proud ter meet yer Excellency," was his greeting from a man in civilian shorts and a military coat, who held out his hand. "Captain Bagby desired his compliments ter yer, an' ter say that legislative dooties pervented his attindin' ter the matter hisself."

Jenkins, looking wistfully at the sovereign, which was a great sum of money to a sexton's wife with children, then instantly going on with her dusting; "but it ain't no use tryin' of tricks with our parson. HE ain't one of your Mollies. A man as don't play no tricks with hisself, as I heerd a gentleman say, it ain't no use tryin' no tricks with HIM." Almost while she spoke, the curate entered.

"Well, lass," said my father, "'tis a great season for all sorts o' sickness an' the doctor is sick abed hisself an' he couldn't come." "Poor man!" sighed my mother. "But he'll come ashore on the south'ard trip." "No, lass no; I fear he'll not." "Poor man!" My mother turned her face from us. She trembled, once, and sighed, and then lay very quiet.

He remained mostly in his room, and whenever he did show hisself he walkt in a moody and morose manner in the garding, with his hed bowed down and his arms foldid across his brest. He reminded me sumwhat of the celebrated but onhappy "Mr. Haller," in the cheerful play of "The Stranger." This man puzzled me. I'd been puzzled afore several times, but never so severally as now.

He then crept on till he saw her enter a door, and then stole back to the forest and shambled homeward as dusky as the shadows in which he walked, chuckling, "Missy Rita, sweet honey, guv me one of dern 'Federate rags. Oh, golly! I'se got more money live Linkum money dan Mas'r Anderson hisself, and I'se got notten ter do but raise chickens an' garden sass all my born days.

"Look at him, Bill," said one youth to an acquaintance; "he's escaped from Madame Tussaud's, he has. Painted hisself over with Day & Martin's best, and bought a secondhand Guy Fawkes nose."

He'd be goin' on a keen lope, and then something or other might get on his mind, and he'd stop and untangle hisself from all kinds of ridin'. Sometimes he'd jump and snort like he was seein' ghosts. A feller on that horse could have roped antelopes as easy as yearlin' calves, if he could just have told which way Mr. Pinto was goin'; but he was a shore hard one to estermate.

Well, sir, the rector, he come in an' opened his valise an' 'rayed hisself in his robes an' opened his book, an' while he was turnin' the leaves, he faced 'round an' says he, lookin' at me Direc', says he: "Let the child be brought forward for baptism," says he, thess that-a-way. Well, sir, I looked at wife, an' wife, she looked at me, an' then we both thess looked out at the butter-bean arbor.

But, come what may, you're a gentleman, and one as can put hisself in a poor man's place. Why, sir, I wasn't always so rough; but I have been twenty years at it; and mad folk they'd wear the patience out of Jove, and the milk of human kindness out of saints and opossums.

"Why, because everybody would take care of everybody else." "Not so well, I doubt, sir." "Yes, and a great deal better." "At any rate, that's a long way off; and mean time, who's to take care of the odd man like Joe there, that don't look after hisself?" "Why, God, of course." "Well, there's just where I'm out. I don't know nothing about that branch, sir."

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