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Updated: January 9, 2025
He evidently had not forgotten, however; for, though he paused and looked wistfully at them, he would not approach, but stood dripping in the rain, with his frills much bedraggled, while his tasselled tail wagged slowly, and his pink nose pointed suggestively to the pails and baskets, nearly empty now.
The cry broke out from the bitterness of his heart, but a cold little hand was placed restrainingly on his. "When I go ... if I go," she murmured, "I shall do so with my husband.... You see, my friend, do you not, that there is naught else to say but 'good-bye'?" "And you will be happy, Sue?" he asked. "I hope so!" she sighed wistfully.
The ensuing month glided away as happily as the two former ones; and though Fernand's attentions and manifestations of fondness increased, if possible, still Nisida would frequently sigh and look wistfully at the sea as if she would have joyed to behold a sail in the horizon.
One day, near the end of June, Maggie was standing at an upper window, gazing wistfully at the little park, full of pretty shrubs, which belonged specially to Bute Crescent. A handsome carriage rapidly took the turn, came dashing up the broad gravelled sweep, and stopped at Mrs. Lauder's house. In a few minutes there was a call for Maggie, and she went down stairs.
Or Florence received a letter asking her if she would undertake to write three or four stories for such a paper, the terms to be what she herself liked to ask. She looked at them all wistfully. It is true she had not yet lighted a fire in her room, but she put a match to it now, in order to burn the publishers' letters. The story she was copying was about half-done.
"To drown? I never tried it, but I believe not; though I understand that it's unpleasant while it lasts." He watched her wistfully; if he could only make her smile! "I suppose dying is generally unpleasant," she said, and glanced down into the black oily water with a shiver.
Mary smiled a trifle wistfully. "I saw myself as others saw me. You thought I was grieving over Mignon, Marjorie. But I wasn't. It was my own shortcomings that bothered me. Now I must tell you about to-night, and then you will know everything about me." Constance received the account of Mignon's attempt to supplant her in the operetta with no trace of resentment.
And he laughed a little wistfully. "What difference does it make, so long as we're happy?" he inquired. And I tried to reprove him with a look, but I don't think it quite carried in the misty starlight. "I can't say," I told him, "that I approve of your reasoning." "That's just the point," he said with a slightly more reckless note in his laughter. "It doesn't pretend to be reasoning.
"We'll be short of lasses at the dance, and we needs un all," said Eli. "I'd like wonderful well to go," said Margaret wistfully. "Go on," urged Doctor Joe. "You'll have a good time and the boys and I will make out famously here. You get away seldom enough and see too few people. 'Twill do you good, lass." "Aye, come on now!" Eli urged. "We'll take you over snug and warm in our komatik box.
Also, in the middle of the night came Our Lady herself and said to me: 'Hereafter thou shalt sing with the voice of an angel." "I should like to see Our Lady," said the child wistfully. "Also," pursued the Fool, "She gave me power over great beasts. See! He fears me, while he loves me."
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