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Updated: January 7, 2025

And she snuffed the candle, and held it up over Barney's grim features. 'Well, Madam, I hope we soon may find it. 'Twill be a blessed sight eh? when he sits up in that bed, Madam, as I trust he may this very night, and speak eh? 'Oh! my precious Barney! and the poor little woman began to cry, and fell into a rhapsody of hopes, thanksgiving, anecdote and prayer.

"'Twill be best," said he, "to gather together from among us our least useful members any murderers there may happen to be, or escaped gaol-birds for instance; call them Halil, Musli, and Suleiman, deck them out in the garments of Agas, Begs, and Ulemas, and send them to the Seraglio. Then, if we see them return to us safe and sound, we can, of course, go ourselves."

But take a second drop, dear; 'twill encourage you to spake freely." "I am already bold enough in so good a cause," returned the veteran, rejecting her bounty. "Betty, do you think it was really the peddler spy that I placed in this room the last night?" "And who should it be else, darling?" "The evil one." "What, the divil?"

'Twill be a joy to my mother an' a gude gran'son to you, I hope." "Go home, go home," said Mr. Lyddon. "Get along with 'e this minute, an' tell your wife I'm greatly pleased, an' shall come to see her mighty soon. Let us knaw every day how she fares an' an' I'm glad as you called the laddie arter me. 'Twas a seemly thought."

Oh, I dare say I shall have heaps of time to fret by and by, but I ain't agoin' to fret now; not I. There'll be a nice little nest-egg out of the furniture, which Mr. Williams can keep for Alison; and ef Alison gets on, why, 'twill do for burying me when my time comes.

"I know that this life is but short at the best on't, That Time it flies fast, and that work must be done; That when danger comes 'tis as well for to jest on't, 'Twill be but the lighter felt when it do come: If you think, then, from this that I an't got a notion Of a heaven above, with its mercy in store, And the devil below, for us lads of the ocean, Just the same as it be for the landsmen on shore, Lord love you!!

The schooner's course was changed, and, the wind increasing, she swept off toward Boston harbor. "'Twill be a good tale for Mr. Samuel Adams to hear," said Captain Starkweather, "and you will indeed be proud of your little daughter, John. I doubt not but this will be printed in the Boston papers, and news of it sent to General Washington himself."

Well, when we have finished with it, you had better hide it away somewhere safely, or, better still, destroy it altogether; for we never know when we may be searched. They may take it into their heads to do so at any moment." "Ay, we will do so," agreed Roger; "'twill, as you say, be safer. But go on with what you were about to say before that interruption came."

'Twill be the dogs first. Now spur!" Forward bounded the two high-mettled steeds, gathering pace with every stride, but the great hounds came on amain, while beyond, distant as yet, the hunters rode knight and squire, mounted bowman and man-at-arms they spurred and shouted, filling the air with fierce halloo.

And that fetches us to your part in it, Sir Frank; and to yours, Mr. Stair. Your troop, Captain, will be the convoy for this powder; and you, Mr. Stair, are requisitioned to provide the commissary." There was silence while a cat might wink, and then Gilbert Stair broke in upon it shrilly. "I can not, Captain Stuart; that I can not!" he protested, starting from his chair. "'Twill ruin me outright!

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