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Nobody would be out, certainly not at the tea-hour, to look at Foster's pictures an insignificant exhibition. Betty felt triumphant. At last, this far too acquiescent lover had rebelled against her decree of silence and separation. At five o'clock she stepped out of her taxicab, made a run for shelter, and found herself in the empty exhibition rooms.

"And you haven't heard anything from him since?" asked Betty softly. "Not a word or a sign," answered the boy, with a shake of his head. "Just clean cleared out, that's all. Pretty hard luck, I call it. Just at the end of things too when he had a right to expect the fellows home. Pretty tough luck. I wish I could find the poor old duffer and do something for him."

She sent Emory to New York to talk over an investment with her man of business, and she provided her mother with eight new novels. As Harriet loved the novel only less than she loved the studies which furnished her ambitious mind, Betty knew that she would read aloud all day without complaint.

For if you should reach the threescore-and-ten, things will have changed so much that this will be old Boston; and, Betty, you will be telling-your grandchildren what it was like." Betty laughed gayly. There was the same wide hall as at home, but it wasn't the keeping-room here. It had a great fireplace, and at one side a big square sofa.

He thought of Betty and her picnic and of how gay and sweet she was, and how altogether desirable, and the thought wrought a change in his spirit. He went downstairs and kissed his mother; then he, too, put on his rubber overshoes and shook himself into his raincoat and carefully adjusted his hat and his umbrella.

While he stood a gentle timorous tap came to the door, so gentle indeed that Betty in the kitchen did not hear it, or she, tall and Roman-nosed as she was, would have answered it before the long-legged dreamer could have reached the door, though he was not above three yards from it. In lack of anything better to do, Robert stalked to the summons. 'What for dinna ye gang hame, than?

As Dan looked at her it seemed to him for the first time that he found a likeness to Betty to Betty as she smiled up at him from the hearth in Aunt Ailsey's cabin. It was not in the mouth alone, nor in the eyes alone, but in something indefinable which belonged to every feature in the kindly fervour that shone straight out from the smiling face.

Hither the Delavie family betook themselves, and on her way Betty was startled by the recognition, in the seat reserved for the servants, of a broad back and curled wig that could belong to no one but Jonah Dove.

We haven't quite decided on the others. I dare say some of the girls will be mad as hornets at being left out, but there can be only nine. Of course we do not count Jane." These were all very nice girls of well-to-do families. Mrs. Leverett did feel a little proud that Betty should head the list. "They are all to bring their sewing.

"N-nothing," Amy answered a little sheepishly. "I thought I heard a little rustling among the leaves, that's all." "Probably a breeze coming up," said Betty matter-of-factly, and they went on with their berry picking. But it was not long before a second disturbance came, and this time they all heard it. It was, as Amy had said, a rustling sound.

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