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Belamour suggested Major Delavie, as from his long service in Austria likely to be very useful. The Envoy caught at the idea, and the thought of once more seeing his old comrades enchanted the Major, whose only regret was that his hero, Prince Eugene, had been dead three years; but to visit his grave would be something.

On the spotless white cloth was spread a frugal meal of bread, butter, cheese, and lettuce; a jug of milk, another of water, and a bottle of cowslip wine; for the habits of the family were more than usually frugal and abstemious. Frugality and health alike obliged Major Delavie to observe a careful regimen.

"This is the reason why I wished to see you," said my Lady, laying her white hand on his, "I wanted to explain." "Cousin, cousin, had not you better leave it alone?" said Major Delavie. "You know you can always talk a poor man out of his senses at the moment." "Yet listen, Harry, and understand my troubles. Here I was pledged, absolutely pledged, to give my son to Lady Aresfield's daughter.

Belamour held up a small pass-key. There was a certain tone of banter about him which almost drove his nephew wild, but greatly reassured Miss Delavie. "Why why keep me in torments, instead of taking me with you?" cried the youth. "Because I wished my expedition to be no failure. I could not tell whether my key, which I found with my watch and seals, would still serve me.

Belamour and myself to escort you to Delavie and show us these papers. I fear it may be alarming and distressing." "Oh no, sir, I know no harm can happen to me where Mr. Belamour is," she said, smiling. "It may be very important," he said, and she went to put on her hood. "Surely," said Mr. Wayland, "the title-deeds cannot have been left there?" "No.

"Stay," said Major Delavie; "I can have such things done only under true colours and in the full light of day. The child is scarcely awake yet, and does not know one from the other! Why neither of you so much as know the colour of the eyes of the other! Can you tell me sir?"

No doubt the full import of what he had done had dawned even on Major Delavie during the watches of that last sorrowful night, for he came out a pale, haggard man, looking as if his age had doubled since he went to bed, wrapped in his dressing gown, his head covered with his night-cap, and leaning heavily on his staff.

However Eugene created a diversion by curious inquiries whether Jumbo would indeed play the fiddle of which he had heard from Archer and Amoret, and he ran off most eagerly after the negro to be introduced to the various curiosities of the place. Mrs. Aylward attended Miss Delavie to her room, and showed herself much softened.

Madame, in perfectly good English, excused herself, but begged to hear the name again. There must be some error, no young lady of the name of Delavie was there. They looked at one another, then Betty asked, "Has not a young lady been placed here by Lady Belamour?"

He had to wait sitting on a greasy chair when he could no longer stand, till case after case was gone through, and when he finally had a hearing and applied for a warrant to search for his daughter in Delavie House, there was much surprise and reluctance to put such an insult on a lady of quality in favour at Court.