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De Invent. i. 5, 6; de clar. Orat. 76. Ad Fam. vii. 19. De Div. ii. 1. Ad Atticum. iv. 16. Orat. 16. Orat. 14, 31. Orat. 21, 29. Ad Fam. vi. 18. See Middleton, vol. ii. p. 147. De Legg. i. 5. Ang. Mai. præf. in Remp. Middleman, vol. i. p. 486 Quinct. Inst. xi. 1. Ad Atticum, xiii. 13, 16, 19. Ad Fam. ix. 16, 18. Tusc. Quæst v. 4, 11. Ibid. iii. 10, v. 27. De Nat.

Sed feram, ut potero; sit modo annuum. Si prorogatur, actum est." Epist. ad Atticum, lib. v. 15. From a service without danger I might indeed have retired without disgrace; but as often as I hinted a wish of resigning, my fetters were riveted by the friendly intreaties of the colonel, the parental authority of the major, and my own regard for the honour and welfare of the battalion.

The Romans had had many reasons for mistrusting their great enemy, the Carthaginians, and they used this expression, Fides Punica, which we have simply borrowed from the Latin. The Romans used the word sal, or "salt," in this sense of wit, and their expression sal Atticum shows the high opinion they had of the Athenians, from whom, indeed, they learned much in art and in literature.

"Nunc quis patrem decem annorum natus non modo aufert sed tollit nisi veneno?" Varronis Fragmenta, ed. Alexander Riese, p. 216. See the story in Cicero, Pro Cluentio. Pro P. Sulla, 4. "Catilina, si judicatum erit, meridie non lucere, certus erit competitor." Epist. ad Atticum, i. 1. "Hoc tempore Catilinam, competitorem nostrum, defendere cogitamus.

Constat enim, aditus insulae esse munitos mirificis molibus. Etiam illud jam cognitum est, neque argenti scrupulum esse ullum in illa insula, neque ullam spem praedae, nisi ex mancipiis: ex quibus nullos puto te litteris aut musicis eruditos exspectare." Ad Atticum, iv. 16.

One might as well write the "Parsley-bed, a Poem;" or "The Cabbage-garden, a Poem." BOSWELL. 'You must then pickle your cabbage with the sal atticum. JOHNSON. 'You know there is already The Hop-Garden, a Poem: and, I think, one could say a great deal about cabbage.

Ad Atticum, ix. 18. Ibid. vii. 11, ix. 6, x. 8 and 9, xi, 9, etc. Macrobius, Saturnalia, ii. 3. Ad Atticum, xi. 8, 9, 10 and 12. Ibid. xi. 13. Ad Fam. iv. 14; Middleton, vol. ii. p. 149. Ibid. Ad Fam. iv. 6. Ad Atticum, xii. 15, etc Ad Atticum, xiii. 20. Ibid. xii. 40 and 41.

Hoc age, and that hath his bodie apart I likewise love to read the Epistles and ad Atticum, not onely because they containe a most ample instruction of the historic and affaires of his times, but much more because in them I descrie his private humours.

He twice gives the work this name, in Laelius 4 and Att. 14, 21, 1. In the former passage he adds the descriptive words, addressed to Atticus, qui est scriptus ad te de senectute. In a third notice, De Div. 2, 3, he gives the description without the title, liber is quem ad nostrum Atticum de senectute misimus.

I am more afraid of that than of the chatter of my contemporaries." So Cicero meditated, thinking as usual of himself first and of his duty afterward the fatalest of all courses then and always. To Atticus, i. 16. "Jam vero, oh Dii Boni! rem perditam! etiam noctes certarum mulierum, atque adolescentulorum nobilium introductiones nonnullis judicibus pro mercedis cumulo fuerunt." Ad Atticum, i. 16.

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