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Updated: January 19, 2025

These take place only in communities where some have got more than is sufficient while others have not enough Nec bella fuerunt, Faginus astabat dum Scyphus ante dapes You who govern public affairs, what need have you to employ punishments? Have virtue and the people will be virtuous."

Calvin, speaking of our liberty in things indifferent, saith, We may eas nunc usurpare nunc omittere indifferenter, and places this liberty, tam in abstinendo quam in utendo. It is marked of the rites of the ancient church, that liberae fuerunt horum rituum observationes in ecclesia. Not touching, not tasting, not handling, are in themselves indifferent.

Calvin, writing to the Lord Protector of England of some popish ceremonies which did still remain in that church after the reformation of the same, desireth that they may be abolished, because of their former abuse, in time of Popery. Quid enim, saith he, illae ceremoniae aliud fuerunt, quam totidem lenocinia quae miseras animas ad malum perducerent? &c.

Salus enim Latinum nomen est; salvare et salvator non fuerunt haec Latina, antequam veniret Salvator: quando ad Latinos venit, et haec Latina fecit. Cf.

Must this free folk who are in many ways the truest Americans of America be brought under the yoke of caste division, to the degradation of all their finer qualities, merely for lack of the right work to do?" There are some who would have it so; who would calmly write for these our own kindred, as for the Indians, fuerunt their day is past. They, too, will some time vanish the sooner the better."

Inter nobiles qui in hoc prælio ceciderunt, fuerunt, præter regem Sebastianum, dux de Auero, Episcopi Conimbricensis et Portuensis, Commissarius generalis

But Suarez proceeds to refute Augustin's opinions at great length, and his final judgment may be gathered from the following passage: Tertio dicendum est, haec animalia omnia his diebus producta esse, IN PERFECTO STATU, IN SINGULIS INDIVIDUIS, SEU SPECIEBUS SUIS, JUXTA UNIUSCUJUSQUE NATURAM.... ITAQUE FUERUNT OMNIA CREATA INTEGRA ET OMNIBUS SUIS MEMBRIS PERFECTA."

Yea, in hac tota provincia aboliti fuerunt dies festi, saith he. The church of Zurich in Helvetia did also banish them all away, as Bullinger writeth to Calvin. 2. The practice of the greatest part of the reformed churches in observing holidays, cannot commend them in the church of Scotland, 1.

At haec etiam Servis semper libera fuerunt, timerent, gauderent, dolerent, suo potius quam alterius arbitrio. Tull. Epist. It is no small Concern to me, that I find so many Complaints from that Part of Mankind whose Portion it is to live in Servitude, that those whom they depend upon will not allow them to be even as happy as their Condition will admit of.

"Under pretence of washing for scholars, multa mala perpetrata fuerunt," she has committed all manner of crimes, and is now in the Spinning House, carcerata fuit. Stoke wastes a malediction on the laundress, and, dressing as well as he may, runs down to Parson's Pleasure, I hope, and has a swim, for I find no tub in his room, or, indeed, in the camera of any other scholar.

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