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As, for example, in a meeting between Liutprand and Pope Zacharias, described by Anastasius Bibliotecharius, where dukes and gastalds are together reckoned among the judices: here the king goes to meet the pope "cum suis judicibus," and gives him as an escort "Agripandum ducem Clusinum, nepotem suum, seu Tacipertum Castaldium et Remingum, Castaldum Tuscanensem."

The usual practice is to introduce in the prologue which is commonly attached to the laws given out during each year of the king's reign, after the mention of the date "Kalendiis Martiarum," some such expression as "cum nostris Judicibus"; or "ad nos conjungerentur Judices"; or "per suggestionem Judicum"; to which is sometimes added the formula "omniumque consensum," or "cum reliquis nostris Langobardis fidelis."

I am more afraid of that than of the chatter of my contemporaries." So Cicero meditated, thinking as usual of himself first and of his duty afterward the fatalest of all courses then and always. To Atticus, i. 16. "Jam vero, oh Dii Boni! rem perditam! etiam noctes certarum mulierum, atque adolescentulorum nobilium introductiones nonnullis judicibus pro mercedis cumulo fuerunt." Ad Atticum, i. 16.

The Lombard codes are silent with regard to these indicators; but Savigny, in his argument to prove their existence, claims that mention is made of them in two decisions of Liutprand of the years 715 and 716, and brings as additional evidence a placitum of 751 in which Lupo, duke of Spoleto, gives judgment "una cum judicibus nostris ... vel aliis pluribus astantibus," etc.