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And Cranmer, in his prologue to the second edition of the "Great Bible," bears testimony equally explicit to the translation of Scripture "in the Saxons tongue." And when that language "waxed olde and out of common usage," he says, the Bible "was again translated into the newer language."

Bacch. 24; Trin. 609; True. iii. 2, 23. Innocent jokes, such as Capt. 160, 881, of course passed uncensured. The compliment paid to Massilia in Cas. v. 4., i, deserves notice. Thus the prologue of the -Cistellaria- concludes with the following words, which may have a place here as the only contemporary mention of the Hannibalic war in the literature that has come down to us:

Then a Major Tumulty, middle-aged and pale, came hurriedly into the stuffy room and said without any prologue: "Now I must have one of you chaps this afternoon. Otherwise I promise you you won't get all the things you want." Silence fell on the mess. "The C.O. isn't here, sir," said Captain Resmith. "I can't help that. I'm not going alone." "Cannon, you'd better go with Major Tumulty.

The terrible tragedy of war was inducted by a prologue of burning villages, trampled harvests and massacred peasants, upon the frontiers. Sieges, bombardments and fierce battles ensued, with the alternations of success.

p. 176 Dumfounding. A rude and rough form of practical joking. The players 'dumfounded' each other with sudden blows stealthily dealt. cf. Dryden, prologue to The Prophetess , speaks of the gallants in the theatre indulging freely in That witty recreation, called dumfounding. p. 176 stum'd Wine.

We are conscious that tragedy impends, that after the prologue may follow fast catastrophe. Yet it is not feared with all the portentous thunder of its index. Nor are we deceived. A melody of winning distinction unrolls before us. It has a noble tone, is of a noble type. Without relaxing pace it passes and drops like a thunderbolt into the bowels of the earth.

As an example of the style of the translation we may take the following rendering of the delicate Chi crederia, with which the original prologue opens:

That the history of the "Wood-Rangers" will tell us; but before crossing from the prologue of our drama before crossing from Europe to America a few events connected with the tragedy of Elanchovi remain to be told. It was several days after the disappearance of the Countess, before anything was known of her fate.

At the opera, one night this winter, the Abbe Servien, not liking certain praises of the King contained in a Prologue, let slip a bitter joke in ridicule of them. The pit took it up, repeated it, and applauded it. Two days afterwards, the Abbe Servien was arrested and taken to Vincennes, forbidden to speak to anybody and allowed no servant to wait upon him.

The connecting passages are full of dramatic vivacity; in these the "Host," Master Harry Bailly, acts as a most efficient choragus, but the other pilgrims are not silent, and in the "Manciple's" Prologue, the "Cook" enacts a bit of downright farce for the amusement of the company and of stray inhabitants of "Bob-up-and-down."

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