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Updated: August 9, 2024
She contended with the most precious goal of youth before her eyes, fresh and healthy in mind and body, conscious, in the midst of the struggle, against doubt and suffering, for what she held dearest of her own vigorous energy, panoplied by the talisman of the last mandate from the lips of her dying mother. Benedictus, during a long life devoted to the highest aims, had battled enough.
I was too dazed to speak; indeed, I was conscious of a lump in my throat quite inconsistent with a philosophic temperament. Glancing at my darling, I perceived that she was agitated, and straightway the nightmare, which was at odds with her joy, as to how she was to provide a suitable supper for these delightful visitors, took possession also of my brain. "Sam," she gasped, "how many are there?"
They drew her back before they dared attempt to raise her, so near the edge of the cliff was she; and they did with her what they liked, for she could not move a muscle. She knew that they carried her indoors, that she was put to bed, and rubbed with hot flannels, and then she was conscious of nothing more. A nightmare but was it a nightmare? haunted her.
But syllables that hang heavy on the tongue and grate harsh upon the ear are the trumpet of discord rousing to unconscious opposition and conscious rejection. And now the consideration of the Polish of Manners will lead us to some yet more important reflections.
"To do great things, to meet fitly great responsibilities, a nation, like a person, must be conscious of its dignity and its power. The consciousness of what she is and what she may be has come to America. She knows that she is a great nation.
Once again her mere beauty stung the young man to desire, but something of a conscious look in her face gave him thought, and, scrutinizing her coldly, he said: "I suppose that dress was put on for Mr. Barkman's benefit." "Oh, George!" she cried, in utter dismay, "he hain't been here to-day."
Burgoyne bade her come in, and she advanced towards that lady, who was putting on her own hat before the glass. Eleanor, with uplifted arms, turned and smiled. 'Charming! You do one credit! Is Aunt Pattie better? Lucy was conscious of a momentary chill. Mrs.
He had stood before the window quite some time, his eyes going from book to book thoughtfully, while one hand tugged at his hair, and the other, thrust into his shirt front, caressed his own dear volume, when he became conscious of the near presence of two people, a man and a woman. The woman was the nearer of the two. On glancing up at her, he found her looking down.
Whether it be instinctive or whether it result from the pedestrian education of childhood may be doubtful; it is, at any rate, less automatic than the previous acts, for a man might by conscious effort learn to perform it more skilfully, or even to suppress it altogether.
"I am not exactly to congratulate you," she said, "but for a man who was turned down last night you don't seem exactly unhappy." Bertram let several expressions chase themselves over his face before he blurted out: "What's the matter with me?" "Not a great deal. Has she so refused you as to make you conscious of sin?" "It wasn't a cold turn-down. I'd like it better if it was.
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