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Updated: January 14, 2025
Then Jurgen followed his instructions, and went into Meridie, and turned to the left when he had come to the great puddle where the adders and toads are reared, and so passed through the mists of Tartarus, with due care of the wild lightning, and took the second turn to his left "always in seeking Heaven be guided by your heart," had been the advice given him by devils, and thus avoiding the abode of Jemra, he crossed the bridge over the Bottomless Pit and the solitary Narakas.
Hoc spatio nunc est Biledulgerit provinciae major pars, ubi Targa regnum, et quatuor deserta, Lempta, Zuenziga, Zanhaga, Hair. Atlas Mons. Gaetulos a Meridie claudit mons Atlas, totius Africae vel fabulosissimus.
"Nunc quis patrem decem annorum natus non modo aufert sed tollit nisi veneno?" Varronis Fragmenta, ed. Alexander Riese, p. 216. See the story in Cicero, Pro Cluentio. Pro P. Sulla, 4. "Catilina, si judicatum erit, meridie non lucere, certus erit competitor." Epist. ad Atticum, i. 1. "Hoc tempore Catilinam, competitorem nostrum, defendere cogitamus.
As they rose much earlier than we do, the hours up to noon were divided into two parts: mane, or morning, which lasted from sunrise to the beginning of the third hour, and ad meridiem, or forenoon; then followed de meridie, i.e. afternoon, and suprema, from about the ninth or tenth hour till sunset.
From the Marcipor, a fine description. "Repente noctis circiter meridie Cum pictus aer fervidis late ignibus Caeli chorean astricen ostenderet Nubes aquali frigido velo leves Caeli cavernas aureas subduxerant Aquam vomentes inferam mortalibus Ventique frigido se ab axe eruperant, Phrenetici septentrionum filii Secum ferentes regulas ramos syrus.
At posteriores, Arabico sinu, vt ante dictum, inter Asiam Africamque termino constituto, Africa eam contribuerunt. Nomen traxit ab Agypto Danai fratre; ante Aeria dicta. Terminatur a Septemtrione suo mari, id est, Agyptio, ab Ortu Arabia Petraa et dicto sinu; a Meridie Athiopia, ab Occasu Cyrenaica. Longa est a Pelusiaco Nili ostio ad Catabathmum opidum milliar.
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