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Updated: January 6, 2025

"It was all right as far as I could see: it was like this: Memento that's right enough for remember, and it takes a genitive, memento putei inter quatuor taxos." "What silly rot!" I said. "What made you shove that down? What does it mean?" "That's the funny part," said McLeod. "I'm not quite sure what it does mean. All I know is, it just came into my head and I corked it down.

Ipsum deinde convivium constat ex rebus quatuor, et tum denique omnibus suis numeris absolutum est; si belli homuculi collecti sunt, si lectus locus, si tempus lectum, si apparatus non neglectus. Nec loquaces autem convivas nec mutos legere oportet; quia eloquentia in foro et apud subsellia; silentium vero non in convivio sed in cubiculo esse debet.

33 De Pygmeis, et itinere vsque prouinciam Cathay. 34 De pallacio Imperatoris magni Chan. 35 De quatuor solemnitatibus, quas magnus Chan celebrat in Anno. 36 De praestigijs in festo, et de comitatu Imperatoris. 37 Qua de causa dicitur magnus Chan. 38 De territorio Cathay, et moribus Tartarorum. 39 De sepultura Imperatoris magni Chan, et de creatione successoris.

Dickson is a Fellow of the Linnaean Society, of which he was one of the original founders: and also Fellow and Vice President of the Horticultural Society. Several communications from him, appear in different volumes of the Linnaean Transactions; but he is principally known among Botanists by a work entitled, "Fasciculi Quatuor Plantarum, Cryptogamicarum Britanniae."

She is paying her four deniers* quatuor denarios." * An old French coin, equal to the two hundred and fortieth part of a pound. "Aut unum bombum." "Would you like to have her pay you in the face?" "Comrades! Master Simon Sanguin, the Elector of Picardy, with his wife on the crupper!" "Post equitem seclet atra eura behind the horseman sits black care." "Courage, Master Simon!"

Here sat a party of officers, bronzed and mustachioed; yonder a group of laughing girls; a pair of provincials; a family party, children, governess and all; a stout capitalist, solitary and self content; a quatuor of rollicking commis-voyageurs; an English couple, perplexed and curious.

The victims of this holocaust have fallen for their country's cause, but the responsibility for the slaughter is to be equally divided between McClellan, Lincoln, Seward and Blair. Even Sylla had not on his soul so much blood as has the above quatuor.

Almost all ceilings and vaults were at this time in Venice covered with stars, without any reference to armorial bearings; but Steno claims, under his noble title of Stellifer, an important share in completing the chamber, in an inscription upon two square tablets, now inlaid in the walls on each side of the great window towards the sea: "MILLE QUADRINGENTI CURREBANT QUATUOR ANNI HOC OPUS ILLUSTRIS MICHAEL DUX STELLIFER AUXIT."

Giulio died on the day of All Saints in the year 1546, and over his tomb was placed the following epitaph: ROMANUS MORIENS SECUM TRES JULIUS ARTES ABSTULIT, HAUD MIRUM, QUATUOR UNUS ERAT.

Germanicus persisted no longer; though he knew that this was all hypocrisy, and that through envy he was torn away from a ripened harvest of glory. Livy says so in express terms: "Ad quatuor portas exercitum instruxit, ut, signo dato, ex omnibus portubus eruptionem facerent."

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