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How the Lieutenant of Marines sheathed his sword on the poop, and, calling for wax and a taper, sealed the end of the scabbard with his family crest and motto Denique Coelum?

"Tantam enim mansuetudinem, tam inusitatam inauditamque clementiam, tantum in summa potestate rerum omnium modum, tam denique incredibilem sapientiam ac paene divinam tacitus nullo modo praeterire possum." Pro Marco Marcello, 1. Pro Marco Marcello, abridged. "Non intelligis, si id quod me arguis voluisse interfici Caesarem crimen sit, etiam laetatum esse morte Caesaris crimen esse?

For my part, I am of this mind, and if a man could by any means avoid it, though by creeping under a calf's skin, I am one that should not be ashamed of the shift; all I aim at is, to pass my time at my ease, and the recreations that will most contribute to it, I take hold of, as little glorious and exemplary as you will: "Praetulerim . . . delirus inersque videri, Dum mea delectent mala me, vel denique fallant, Quam sapere, et ringi."

As one of the British delegates regretfully observed, "Denique nullum est jam dictum quod non sit dictum prius." But one telegram there was, addressed to the acting-President of the League, and handed in to him in the hall before the session began, which aroused some interest. It remarked, tersely and scripturally, in the English tongue, "I went by and lo he was not."

'Malo scriptor delirus, inersque videri, Dum mea delectent mala me vel denique fallunt, Quam sapere. When I came back I found Mardocheus at supper with his numerous family, composed of eleven or twelve individuals, and including his mother an old woman of ninety, who looked very well.

He declined to be promoted to an earldom, which Queen Mary offered him at the same time when she advanced her natural brother to be Earl of Mar, and afterwards of Murray. On his refusing this honour, Mary wrote, or caused to be written, the following lines in Latin and French: Sunt comites, ducesque alii; sunt denique reges; Sethom dominum sit satis esse mihi.

How applicable is the description of the Roman historian to the Rome of our day: "Caput orbis terrarum, urbis magnificentiam augebant fora, templa, porticas, aquæductus, theatra, horti denique, et ejus generis alia, ad quæ vel lecta animus stupet."

Circa hoc mare Christus frequenter, et libenter ambulasse videtur: hic vocauit ad sui discipulatum, Petrum, et Andream, Iacobum, et Ioannem: hic super vndam siccis ambulabat vestigijs, et praecipitem Petrum filium tentantem, verbo increpationis releuat ne mergatur, hic denique rediuiuus a morte repleuit discipulorum rete magnis piscibus 153.

Finita potestas denique cuique Quanam sit ratione, atque alte terminus hærens? They who have acted, as in France they have done, upon a scheme wholly different, and who aim at the abstract and unlimited perfection of power in the popular part, can be of no service to us in any of our political arrangements.

Et idem sentit Divus Thomas, supra, solvens argumenta Augustini, quamvis propter reverentiam ejus quasi problematice semper procedat. Denique idem sentiunt omnes qui in his operibus veram successionem et temporalem distinctionem agnoscant." Secondly, with respect to animals, Suarez is no less decided: Lib.

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