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Updated: January 11, 2025

The Herbarium Horti contains the necessary materials for the compilation of the new catalogue of the Botanic Gardens, and the Herbarium Bogoriense contains plants to be found in the neighbourhood of Buitenzorg.

Ramses may act in the same fashion any day." "It is awkward and evil to declare a man of sound mind a maniac," said the nomarch of Horti. "For if people see the falsehood they will cease to believe in us, and nothing will restrain an uprising." "If I say that Ramses is a maniac it must be that I have proof," replied Mefres. "And now listen." The dignitaries moved on their benches.

Those present were silent; the nomarch of Horti was troubled. "It is necessary to think over this," added the chief judge, "lest injustice be done him." Here Herhor spoke. "Holy Mefres has done him a kindness," said he, in low decisive tones, "by considering him a maniac. Unless he is a maniac we must call him a traitor." Those present moved with fear.

This canal is the greatest danger for Egypt, since our country might be inundated by water in one moment. It is not a question here of the treasures of the labyrinth, but of our temples, houses, fields, six millions of people, foolish, it is true, but innocent, and finally of our own lives and the lives of our children." "If that is the case" sighed the nomarch of Horti.

L. Cornificius built a temple of Diana. Asininius Pollio an Atrium Libertatis; and Munatius Plaucus a temple of Saturn. Maecenas, who lived upon the Esquiline, converted the Campus Esquilinus, near the Subura, a pauper burial-ground offensive to both sight and health, into beautiful gardens, called the Horti Maecenatis.

When the stars had risen the holy Herhor left the feast, and soon after some of the highest dignitaries slipped out also. About midnight the following worthy persons met in a subterranean chamber of the temple of Amon: the high priests Herhor, Mefres, and Mentezufis, the chief judge of Thebes, also the chiefs of the provinces of Abs, Horti, and Emsuchs.

It was the Marmor Batthium of the ancients, and two of the large columns in the principal portal of the Church of Santa Croce in Jerusalemme are remarkably fine specimens of it, probably taken from the Villa of Heliogabalus, in whose gardens, called the Horti Variani, the church was built.

She placed the last mentioned piece in the Sessorian Basilica, called also the Basilica of Helen, because erected by her, in the Horti Variani: hence is derived its title of S. Croce in Gerusalemme. On this subject additional information may be found in the work of the late Padre De Corrieris, De Sessorianis praecipius D.N.J.C. reliquiis, in Trombelli De cultu SSrum and Ben. XIV. De festis.

His Honour the Superintendent might have assumed the classical motto, "Custos sum pauperis horti." Davy put the money in his pocket, went to the Queen's Head, and, as it was already dark, he hired a man for ten shillings to show him the road through the wet wilderness of Caulfield and round No-good-damper Swamp.

"I am to go on a journey," said Wogan, "and there's a delicate sort of work I would trust to you." O'Toole looked distantly at Wogan. "Opus," said he, in a far-away voice. "I want you to keep an eye on the little house in the garden " O'Toole nodded. "Hortus, hortus, hortum," said he, "horti hortus," and he fingered the book at his back, "no, horti, horto, horto.

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