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Updated: December 21, 2024
Of the volunteers, three-fourths were in the pay of the priesthood. "May he live, his holiness Herhor, our lord!" cried Eunana, waving his bloody axe. "May he live through eternity!" repeated the warriors and priests, and all fell on their faces. The most worthy Herhor raised his hands and blessed them. On leaving the court of the temple, Mefres went to the underground chamber to Lykon.
And since Sargon, the ambassador of King Assar, seemed not to trust their oaths, Herhor decided to give him a material proof of friendly feeling, and, with this object, ordered to disband at once twenty thousand mercenaries, mainly Libyans. For those disbanded warriors, who were in no way guilty and had been always loyal, this decision almost equaled a death sentence.
"Dost Thou think that the priests will obey me?" "Remember," answered the queen, "that the device of the pharaoh is a serpent, and a serpent means prudence, which is silent, and no one knows when it will bite mortally. If Thou take time as thy confederate, Thou wilt accomplish everything." "Herhor is tremendously haughty. Today he dared to put on the miter of the holy Amenhotep.
There the highest dignitaries of state, and the nearest members of the family prostrated themselves before him, after that the minister, Herhor; the chief treasurer, the supreme judge, and the supreme chief of police made reports to him. The reading was varied by religious music and dancing, during which wreaths and flowers were cast on the throne of the pharaoh.
In this hall, with its varied mosaic pavement, stood in silence, white robed and barefoot, the priests, the highest dignitaries of State, Herhor, the minister of war, also the leaders Nitager and Patrokles, who had been summoned to the presence of the pharaoh. His holiness Ramses XII, as usual before he held council, was placing offerings before the gods in his chapel. This continued rather long.
So for thee, too, it is no secret that we have traitors?" "I know of whom Thou art speaking, worthiness, for Thou wert always prejudiced against." "Against whom?" "Against whom I divine. But I thought that after the agreement with Herhor, after a long stay in the temple." "What of the temple?
And in truth, if ye will obey him, he will prepare for Egypt such a fate as the world has not heard of since the beginning of ages." A chill passed through holy Herhor and the other priests at that promise. They knew that the heir to the throne was a lion and an eagle in one person, and that they must obey him.
Relations were regulated in some way, for Mentezufis, according to instructions from Herhor, did not force himself on the prince, while Pentuer occupied himself with organizing medical aid for the wounded. The military game began.
The prince knew this, and more than once he had said so with bitterness. But when through the influence of Herhor he became viceroy and received the corps in Memphis, he grew reconciled with the priests and stifled his previous dislike of them. All that dislike had revived again.
The man stopped; he saw the retinue of Herhor approaching. By the fan he knew him to be a great personage, and by the panther skin, a priest. He ran to the litter, therefore, knelt down, and struck the sand with his forehead. "What dost Thou wish, man?" asked the dignitary. "O light of the sun, listen to me!" cried the slave. "May there be no groans in thy chamber, may no misfortune follow thee!
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