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I must ask most earnestly that You, without delay, order Your troops to commit, under no circumstances, the slightest violation of our frontiers." As the time limit given to Russia had expired without the receipt of a reply to our inquiry, H.M. the Kaiser ordered the mobilization of the entire German Army and Navy on August 1st at 5 p.m. The German Ambassador at St.

Charles said he would think of it. This gave the ambassador sufficient encouragement to induce him to take another step. He obtained an audience of Charles the next day, and proposed the subject directly for his consideration.

'My compliments to Mr Rocco, he said to the page who answered his summons, 'and if it is quite convenient I should be glad to see him here for a moment. 'What do you give Rocco? Racksole inquired. 'Two thousand a year and the treatment of an Ambassador. 'I shall give him the treatment of an Ambassador and three thousand. 'You will be wise, said Felix Babylon.

In 1611, having formed a truce with Spain, they resolved to venture into the Mediterranean, and endeavour to partake in the lucrative trade with the Levant: for this purpose, they sent an ambassador to Constantinople, where he concluded a favourable treaty of commerce.

"What does he say?" asked Washington, seeing that Peyronie hesitated. "He says, sir," answered Peyronie, with evident reluctance, "that M. de Jumonville came in the character of an ambassador and has been assassinated." Washington flushed hotly and his eyes grew dark. "Ask M. Drouillon," he said, "why an ambassador thought it necessary to bring with him a guard of thirty men?"

"Monsieur Pailleton," the ambassador began, "will you take a seat? It is very kind of you to obey so quickly my summons." "I had no idea," the latter remarked, "that my presence in England was known. I am here on private business." The ambassador bowed suavely. "Precisely, my friend!

I called at his house, and a man I met told me to stay in the ante-chamber, as the prince would pass through to go to dinner. It was five o'clock. The prince appeared, followed by his guests, amongst whom was M. Polo Renieri, the Venetian ambassador. The prince asked me what he could do for me, and I told my story in a loud voice before them all.

The last reports from Ireland say, that King James was moving with his army towards the north. And yesterday Lord Burlington said, Coleraine, a great town, was besieged by 6000 men, but that Lord Blaney had sallied out, and so behaved himself that they had raised the siege. D'Avaux who was the French ambassador in Holland, would not speak in council till all the Protestants were put out.

Renee... but I will spare you the outburst of my wounded feelings, and simply tell you the effect your letter produced. We had just returned from a delightful reception given in our honor by the ambassador, where I appeared in all my glory, and Macumer was completely carried away in a frenzy of love which I could not describe.

The evening was passed, according to Gagnolo, in gallant and cultivated conversation. On leaving the table the marchioness sang the most beautiful songs to the accompaniment of the lute, for the entertainment of the French ambassador.

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