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Updated: September 19, 2024

"Si, nisi quae forma poterit te digna videri, Nulla futura tua est, nulla futura tua est." Lastly a turn, which I cannot say is absolutely on words for the thought turns with them is in the fourth Georgic of Virgil, where Orpheus is to receive his wife from hell on express condition not to look on her till she was come on earth:

For my part, I am of this mind, and if a man could by any means avoid it, though by creeping under a calf's skin, I am one that should not be ashamed of the shift; all I aim at is, to pass my time at my ease, and the recreations that will most contribute to it, I take hold of, as little glorious and exemplary as you will: "Praetulerim . . . delirus inersque videri, Dum mea delectent mala me, vel denique fallant, Quam sapere, et ringi."

Sed remotis mensis, cum in triclinio regalibus exueretur, tres optimates eum prosequuti, quorum vnus erat comes Haroldus, secundus abbas, tertius episcopus, familiaritatis ausu interrogant quid riserat: mirum omnibus nec immerito videri, quare in tanta serenitate diei et negotij, tacentibus caeteris, scurrilem cachinnum ejecerit.

'Malo scriptor delirus, inersque videri, Dum mea delectent mala me vel denique fallunt, Quam sapere. When I came back I found Mardocheus at supper with his numerous family, composed of eleven or twelve individuals, and including his mother an old woman of ninety, who looked very well.

But we leave a subject which we have incidentally touched, sincerely disclaiming any attempt to estimate the character or define the greatness of Webster. In reference to him we feel, as Cicero said to Cæsar, "Nil vulgare te dignum videri possit."

He doubly starves all his verses; first, for want of Thought, and then, of Expression, His poetry neither has wit in it, nor seems to have it; like him, in MARTIAL, "Pauper videri CINNA vult, et est pauper. "He affects plainness, to cover his Want of Imagination.

What then occurred strikingly illustrates the general character of the British policy as to all external demonstrations of pomp and national pretension, and its strong opposition to that of France under corresponding circumstances. The principle of esse quam videri, and the carelessness about names when the thing is unaffected, generally speaking, must command praise and respect.

'Malo scriptor delirus, inersque videri, Dum mea delectent mala me vel denique fallunt, Quam sapere. When I came back I found Mardocheus at supper with his numerous family, composed of eleven or twelve individuals, and including his mother an old woman of ninety, who looked very well.

CATO. Rem haud sane, Scipio et Laeli, difficilem admirari videmini. Quibus enim nihil est in ipsis opis ad bene beateque vivendum, eis omnis aetas gravis est: qui autem omnia bona a se ipsi petunt, eis nihil potest malum videri quod naturae necessitas afferat.

They defended Robespierre and the Reign of Terror. The "Red Republic" openly flaunted its colors and hopes. The attack upon monarchy and the dynasty ranged itself, it is true, behind the parliamentary opposition, but like Galatea running away: "Et se cupit ante videri." It had succeeded well enough in making itself seen. The Government could no longer shut their eyes.

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