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Updated: January 10, 2025

That the vessels which had visited Otaheite were Spanish, was plain from an inscription that was cut upon a wooden cross, standing at some distance from the front of a house which had been occupied by the strangers. On the transverse part of the cross was inscribed, Christus vincit. And on the perpendicular part, Carolus III. imperat. 1774.

Then look at Virginie Morrissette, that put her brother's eyes out quarrelling she's to play Mary Magdalene." "I could fit the parts better," said the groom. "Of course. You'd have played St. John," said the saddler " or, maybe, Christus himself!" "I'd have Paulette Dubois play Mary the sinner." "Magdalene repented, and knelt at the foot of the cross.

We propose now to go carefully through the alleged testimonies to Christianity, as urged in Paley's "Evidences of Christianity," following his presentment of the argument step by step, and offering objections to each point as raised by him. The founder of that name was Christus, who, in the reign of Tiberius, was punished as a criminal by the procurator, Pontius Pilate.

Hinc satis prope habetur et capella medio montis, vbi Christus sedens praedicauit octo beatitudines, vbi et creditur docuisse discipulos orationem Dominicam, scilicet, Pater noster, &c.

Familiarity with such excesses made me particularly appreciative of the excellent performance that Wolfrum, the musical director, obtained in the vast Christus concert. Among the conductors was Richard Strauss who cannot be passed over without a word.

De baptizatis autem, qui firmiter fidem Catholicam in humilitate cordis sub Ecclesiae praeceptis seruauerunt, hi soli filij sunt lucis, et in via veniendi ad coelestem Paradisum quem Christus verbo praedicauit, et ad quem corpore et anima, videntibus discipulis, de facto conscendit.

For that woman to play the part is to destroy the impersonality of the scene." "You would demand that the Christus should be a good man, and the St. John blameless why shouldn't the Magdalene be a repentant woman?" "It might impress the people more, if the best woman in your parish were to play the part. The fall of virtue, the ruin of innocence, would be vividly brought home.

Cosimo succeeded in the same year, and won the title of Grand Duke, which he transmitted to a line of semi-Austrian princes. The flux of Florence struck a Venetian profoundly. The Gonfalonier Capponi put up a tablet on the Public Palace, in 1528, to this effect: 'Jesus Christus Rex Florentini Populi S.F. decreto electus. This inscription is differently given.

He said nothing for a while; he did not know what to say, but he looked steadily at the face that looked on him, and saw that it was that of a young man, not five years older than himself, shaven clean like a clerk, and the eyes of him seemed pitiful and loving. "Laudetur Jesus Christus!" said Master Richard presently, as his custom was when he awoke. "Amen," said the man beside the bed.

Near by was a cross having the following inscription cut on it: CHRISTUS VINCIT, CAROLUS III. IMPERAT, 1774. Cook caused to be cut on the back: GEORGIUS TERTIUS REX. ANNIS 1767, 69, 73, 74, ET 78.

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