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But these are grand words which the holy man wrote one day at the foot of his portrait for a missionary. The words explain his life: 'Debitricem martyrii fidem' Faith is bound to martyrdom." "'Debitricem martyrii fidem'," repeated Dorsenne, "that is beautiful, indeed. And," he added, in a low voice, "you just now abused very rudely the dilettantes and the sceptic.

And especially in matters concerning graces and degrees, you will not oppose those who are fit or support the unfit. To this the candidates answer 'Do fidem'. The charge to candidates for the B.A. or other lower degrees is much simpler:

Every one acknowledged it; yet every one continued to live indolently according to the fashion of his forefathers, acting up to Ovid's maxim Pro magna parte vetustas Creditur; acceptam parce movere fidem. It is only this incurable indifference that renders Machiavelli's comic portraits of Fra Alberigo and Fra Timoteo at all intelligible.

But these are grand words which the holy man wrote one day at the foot of his portrait for a missionary. The words explain his life: 'Debitricem martyrii fidem' Faith is bound to martyrdom." "'Debitricem martyrii fidem'," repeated Dorsenne, "that is beautiful, indeed. And," he added, in a low voice, "you just now abused very rudely the dilettantes and the sceptic.

S. Mater Ecclesia Ravennas, vera mater, vera orthodoxa nam ceterae multae Ecclesiae falsam propter metum et terrores Principum superinduxere doctrinam; haec vero et veram et unicam Sanctam Catholicam tenuit Fidem, nunquam mutavit fluctuationem sustinuit, a tempestate quassata immobilis permansit. Holder-Egger. Such was the work achieved in the fortunate capital.

It is difficult to know what the average man now means when he hurriedly says 'Do fidem' after the Junior Proctor's charge; but there is no doubt that when the form of words was first used, it meant much. The candidate was being admitted into a society which was maintaining a constant struggle against encroachments, religious or secular, from without, and against unruly tendencies within.

Luke v. 17-26: Et factum est in una dierum et ipse sedebat docens.... Et ecce viri portantes in lecto hominem, qui erat paralyticus, et quaerebant eum inferre... et non invenientes qua parte illum inferrent prae turba,... per tegulas... summiserunt illum cum lecto in medium ante Jesum. Quorum fidem ut vidit, dixit, Homo, remittuntur tibi peccata tua.

C. Semper judicavi, I have ever considered, in te, et in capiendo consilio prudentiam summam esse, et in dando fidem; that your wisdom was of the highest orderthat you had the greatest wisdomthat nothing could exceed the wisdom of your resolves, or the honesty of your advice. T. “Fidem.” C. It means faithfulness to the person askingmaximeque sum expertus, and I had a great proof of it.…

Nam hujusmodi credo eos verbis objurgassent: miseri homines, istud quidem non est adorare, quum vos in rebus nullam fidem adhibetis: nulla est idololatria nisi ubi est devotio, hoc est quaedam animi ad idola colenda venerandaque adjunctio atque applicatio, &c.

"Hullo!" said McTurk, over another forme. "What price a giddy ode? Qui quis oh, it's Quis multa gracilis, o' course." "Bring it along. We've sugared the milk here," said Stalky, after a few minutes' zealous toil. "Never thrash your hounds unnecessarily." "Quis munditiis? I swear that's not bad," began Beetle, plying the tweezers. "Don't that interrogation look pretty? Heu quoties fidem!

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