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According to Vasari, Cimabue died in 1300, and was entombed in the church of S. Maria del Fiore at Florence. The following epitaph, composed by one of the Nini, was inscribed on his monument: "Credidit ut Cimabos picturæ castra tenere Sic tenuit, vivens, nunc tenet astra poli."

To these lines Ovid thus refers in his Elegy on the death of Tibullus: Cynthia discedens, Felicius, inquit, amata Sum tibi; vixisti dum tuus ignis eram. Cui Nemesis, quid, ait, tibi sint mea damna dolori? Me tenuit moriens deficiente manu. Am. Lib. iii. El. ix. 56. Blest was my reign, retiring Cynthia cry'd; Not till he left my breast, Tibullus dy'd.

Had returned, i.e. prior to entering the port; the action of redierat, was prior to that of tenuit. Hence plup. Proximo, nearest, sc. to the scene of Agricola's operations, i.e. the whole northern coast from the Forth to the Clyde and back again. XXXIX. Actum. Al. auctum, a conjecture of Lipsius. Actum==treated of, reported. Moris erat. Falsum triumphum. Caligula had done the same before him.

Having restored things to their former quiet state. Nullis experimentis. Undertaking no military expeditions. Or. Castrorum. Cf. 5, note. Comitate tenuit. "Retained the province by a popular manner of administering the government." Ky. Curandi. Ignoscere. Properly not to notice, hence to view with indulgence, to indulge in. Vitiis blandientibus.

S. Mater Ecclesia Ravennas, vera mater, vera orthodoxa nam ceterae multae Ecclesiae falsam propter metum et terrores Principum superinduxere doctrinam; haec vero et veram et unicam Sanctam Catholicam tenuit Fidem, nunquam mutavit fluctuationem sustinuit, a tempestate quassata immobilis permansit. Holder-Egger. Such was the work achieved in the fortunate capital.

Patrick went afterwards to Tir-Caireda, and he founded a church at Ard-lice, i.e., Sen-Domhnach, and he left Deacon Caeman in it. And Patrick erected Ard-Senlis, ubi posuit Lalloc sanctam et tenuit locum in Campo Nento; and they went with Bishop Cethech to his country.

Isocrates, the greatest teacher of rhetoric of his time, lived from 436 to 338, when he died by voluntary starvation owing to his grief at the loss of Greek freedom through the battle of Chaeronea. This is sometimes the case even where the neighboring verbs are in past tenses, as in Acad. 1, 12 nec se tenuit quin contra suum doctorem librum etiam ederet qui Sosus inscribitur.

1 Scilicet quòd rex Angliæ concedit prædicto Roderico ligio homini suo regnum Conaciæ, quamdiu ei fideliter seruiet, vt sit rex sub eo, paratus ad seruicium suum sicut homo suus, & vt teneat terram suam ita bene & in pace sicut tenuit antequam dominus rex Angliæ intraret Hiberniam, reddendo ei tributum & totam aliam terram, & habitatores terræ habeat sub se, & iusticiet vt tributum regi Angliæ integrè persoluant, & per manum eius sua iura sibi conseruent.

Missus igitur Petronius Turpilianus, tanquam exorabilior: et delictis hostium novus, eoque poenitentiae mitior, compositis prioribus, nihil ultra ausus, Trebellio Maximo provinciam tradidit. Trebellius segnior, et nullis castrorum experimentis, comitate quadam curandi provinciam tenuit.

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