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She won about five hundred pounds," said his daughter. "Marcus was laying ground bait. She did not know what horses he had backed until after the race was run, when he invariably appeared with a few mille notes and Lydia's pleasure was pathetic. Of course she didn't win anything. The twenty thousand francs was a sprat he's coming to-night to see how the whales are blowing!" Mr.

My readers will, I have no doubt, like to be satisfied, by comparing them: and, at any rate, it may entertain them to read verses composed by our great metaphysician, when a Bachelor in Physick. Febriles aestus, victumque ardoribus orbem Flevit, non tantis par Medicina malis. Et post mille artes, medicae tentamina curae, Ardet adhuc Febris; nec velit arte regi.

But he has also written plays, histories, biographies, leading articles: he is the most indefatigable of writers, as he is one of the most intelligent and clear-headed. He has, however, the defect of being a literary Don Juan, wasting his smiles amid the mille e tre instead of consecrating his pen in legitimate wedlock to a single Muse.

Sa maison est composée de cinq mille personnes tant

Then I began, "If, madam, you design to be more severe with us, be yet so kind as to dispatch it quickly; for whate'er our offence be, it is not so hainous that we ought to be rack'd to death for it": Upon which her woman, whose name was Psyche, spread a coverlet on the floor, Sollicitavit inguina mea mille iam mortibus frigida.

When they ask her how old she is, she answers, "J'ai soixante et mille ans." She and I went to the Boulevard last night after supper, and drove about there till two in the morning. We are going to sup in the country this evening, and are to go to-morrow night at eleven to the puppet-show. A protégé of hers has written a piece for that theatre.

Well, I forgive it, and invite you to stay. You shall be my valet." "He shall be nobody's valet," Gervais cried. The gray eyes flashed, but their owner rejoined lightly: "You have a man; surely I should have one, too. And I understand the services of M. Félix are not engaged." "Mille tonnerres! you would take this spy this sneak "

Shortly after he had gone, a hoarse voice behind me cried: "Permit me, my dear sir permit me to restore to their proper place two napoleons which you have dropped. Wonderful luck, sir! I pledge you my word of honor, as an old soldier, in the course of my long experience in this sort of thing, I never saw such luck as yours never! Go on, sir Sacre mille bombes! Go on boldly, and break the bank!"

The little ones cried and struggled down among the crowd, seeing nothing, and conscious from the chorus of ecstatic exclamations that they were missing a golden moment. "Pace! Yes, they are coming: she is there the Regina. Every one of you shall see every one. Pazienza! Some one will hold the bimbo who sleeps? Then I could lift Tonino and Maria. Mille Grazie!"

The poets were all employed in praising him; and Lebrun, with but little of the Pindaric fire in his soul, composed the following distich, which certainly is not worth much: "Heros, cher a la paix, aux arts, a la victoire Il conquit en deux ans mille siecles de gloire." The two councils were not disposed to be behind the Directory in the manifestation of joy.

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