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"And as they bound him with thongs, Paul said unto the centurion that stood by, Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman and uncondemned?" "Facinus est vinciri civem Romanum; scelus verberari." Cic. in Verr.

CONSULI: probably refers to private legal consultations as well as to the deliberations of the senate. UT QUAEQUE OPTIME: Cic. often uses ut quisque with superlatives, ita following; see n. on Lael. 19. Translate ut ... ita 'in proportion as ... so'. MORATA: from mos. MODO: in 59. MEMORIAE PRODITUM EST: in Verr. 5, 36 Cic. uses ad memoriam instead of the dative.

Pro Muræn. 34. De Orat. partit. 8, 16, 17. Pro Rabir. 8. In Verr. v. 56, etc., and 64, etc. Philipp. iii. 4. In Verr. vi. 10. Post Redit. in Senat. i. 4-8; pro Dom. 9, 39, etc.; in Pis. 10, 11. Philipp. ii. 18, etc. Pro Sext. 8-10. Pro Planc. 41, 42. Pro Fonteio, 17. Vid. his ideal description of an orator, in Orat. 40. Vid. also de clar.

SCELUS: this word looks chiefly to the criminal intention, whether it be carried into action or not, malum, facinus to the completed crime; flagitium is sin rather than crime, Facinus in sense is often rather narrower and lighter than scelus; cf. Verr. 5, 170 facinus est vincire civem Romanum, scelus verberare, prope parricidium necare.

The statement of Cic. in the text is repeated almost verbatim by Plin. MISERABILIS: 'to be pitied'. The word does not quite answer to our 'miserable'. AGRI CULTIONE: a rare expression, found elsewhere only in Verr. 3, 226; then not again till the 'Fathers'. HAUD SCIO AN NULLA: since haud scio an is affirmative in Cicero, not negative as in some later writers, nulla must be read here, not ulla.

Deor. i. 6; de Div. i. 4, de Fat. 1. Sciopp. in Olivet. See Plutarch, in Vitâ. In Catil. iii. 3-5. Pro Cæl. 24. Philipp. ix. 3. Pro Cæl. 6. Ibid. 14. Pro Quinct. 1, and In Verr. Act i. 13 Pro Cluent 1. Pro Leg. Manil. 1. Pro Milon. 1. Pro Deiotar. 2. Pro Milon. 14, etc. Pro Muræn. 9. Pro Cæl. 7, etc. In Verr. vi. 2, etc. Contra Rull. ii. 6, 7. Pro Rabir. 4. Pro Milon. init. et alibi.

That he, and not Tiberius, was the author of this law, now appears from Fronto in the letters to Verus, init. Comp. Gracchus ap. Gell. xi. 10; Cic. de. Rep. iii. 29, and Verr. iii. 6, 12; Vellei. ii. 6. IV. III. Modifications of the Penal Law

In his time there were nine members; later the number was increased. ANTECEDIT: sc. alios. SENTENTIAE PRINCIPATUM: 'precedence in debate'. Meissner quotes Verr. 4, 142 ut quisque aetate et honore antecedit, ita primus solet sua sponte dicere itaque a ceteris ei conceditur. HONORE: i.e. as regards office, past or present. QUI ... SUNT: actual praetors or consuls. COMPARANDAE: n. on 50.

You like the old song from Canadian village, aye? I seeng heem many tam, me." "Who are you?" demanded Josephine. "Me, I am Eleazar, the ol' trap' man. Summers, I work here for Monsieur Dunwodee. Verr' reech man, Monsieur Dunwodee.

He began on his deepest organ note, but it quavered quite away on the word relief for want of wind. "How is Regie?" said the Bishop. It was his turn to be anxious. "Regie is verr vell," said Fräulein, with decision. "Tell her he is so vell as he vas." "He is very much shaken," said Mrs. Gresley, indignant mother-love flashing in her wet eyes.

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