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For the meaning of senectus see n. on 4. In De Or. 1, 132 we have modice et scienter. SICUT OMNIA: cf. Fin. 1, 7 facete is quidem sicut alia; also below, 65 sicut alia. ET FERRE ET LATURUM ESSE: Tischer rightly remarks that when a verb is repeated thus with a variation of tense Cic. very nearly always uses et ... et, and not a single et merely.

Seeing that he fought in the first Punic war, he cannot have been born later than 495. Cic. His Campanian origin is indicated by Gellius, and his Latin nationality, if proof of it were needed, by himself in his epitaph.

Enallage, cf. note, G. 15. Adeo. To such a degree, or so true it is. Adeo conclusiva, et in initio sententiae collocata, ad mediam latinitatem pertinet. Dr. Livy uses adeo in this way often; Cic. uses tantum. At nunc, etc.

Miscentur has a middle sense, as the passive often has, particularly in Tacitus. Cf. note 21: obligantur. Referunt. Cf. Virg. Aen. 4, 329: parvulus Aeneas, qui te tamen ore referret. See note, 39: auguriis. Ad patrem. Ad is often equivalent to apud in the best Latin authors; e.g. Cic. ad Att. 10, 16: ad me fuit==apud me fuit.

Sat. 2, 4, 95: haurire vitae praecepta beatae, and note, His. 1, 51: hauserunt animo. Prudentia matris. So Nero's mother deterred him from the study of philosophy. Suet. Ner. 52. Pulchritudinem ac speciem. The beautiful image, or beau ideal, by hendiadys. Cf. Cic. Or. 2: species pulchritudinis. See Rit. in loc. Vehementius quam caute.

That he, and not Tiberius, was the author of this law, now appears from Fronto in the letters to Verus, init. Comp. Gracchus ap. Gell. xi. 10; Cic. de. Rep. iii. 29, and Verr. iii. 6, 12; Vellei. ii. 6. IV. III. Modifications of the Penal Law

IUVENTUTE ET VIRIBUS: commonly explained as a hendiadys, i.e. as put for iuventutis viribus; but Cic. no more meant this than we mean 'the strength of youth' when we speak of 'youth and strength'. Real instances of hendiadys are much rarer than is generally supposed. QUAE: = tales ut.

Plautus, Pseud. 3, 2, 80 seems to make the same mistake. SI QUIS DEUS: the present subjunctive is noticeable; strictly, an impossible condition should require the past tense, but in vivid passages an impossible condition is momentarily treated as possible. So Cic. generally says si reviviscat aliquis, not revivisceret. DECURSO SPATIO: 'when I have run my race'. See n. on 14.

UT ... GLORIER: in Arch. 30 Cic. makes the same reflections in almost the same words about his own achievements. ALIQUID: see n. on 1 quid. SI ISDEM etc.: cf. Arch. 29 si nihil animus praesentiret ... dimicaret. AETATEM: = vitam. TRADUCERE: cf. Tusc. 3, 25 volumus hoc quod datum est vitae tranquille placideque traducere. ERIGENS SE: Acad. 2, 127 erigimur, elatiores fieri videmur.

NON VIDERE: either non videre or non item was to be expected, as Cicero does not often end sentences or clauses with non. COLUI ET DILEXI: so 26 coluntur et diliguntur. VIDENDI: Cic. for the most part avoids the genitive plural of the gerundive in agreement with a noun, and uses the gerund as here. Meissner notes that Latin has no verb with the sense 'to see again', which a modern would use here.

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