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Updated: January 9, 2025

Cf. especially Fin. 2, 61 P. Decius cum se devoverat et equo admisso in mediam aciem Latinorum irruebat, aliquid de voluptatibus suis cogitabat? Cf. also below, 75. With regard to natura see n. on 5. SUA SPONTE: 'for its own sake'; 'on its own account'. Cf. Leg. 1, 45 vera et falsa sua sponte non aliena iudicantur, where a few lines later sua natura occurs as equivalent to sua sponte.

The foster-brother in the East is held dear as, and often dearer than, kith and kin. Quirinus Post mediam noctem visus, quum somnia vera. Edit. "Maghzal ;" a more favourite comparison is with a tooth pick. Both are used by Nizami and Al-Hariri, the most "elegant" of Arab writers. I have not thought it necessary to preserve the monorhyme. These fictitious names are for his old flames.

Enallage, cf. note, G. 15. Adeo. To such a degree, or so true it is. Adeo conclusiva, et in initio sententiae collocata, ad mediam latinitatem pertinet. Dr. Livy uses adeo in this way often; Cic. uses tantum. At nunc, etc.

The feebleness of the style, and certain differences from the diction usual with the author, are not sufficient to found an argument upon, and have besides been much exaggerated. They would apply equally, and even with greater force, to the fifteenth. The words "ad mediam fere aetatem declamavit," as Martha has justly remarked, form the key to Juvenal's literary position.

Opera, tom. ix. p. 140. Another piece of advice runs as follows: "De venere certe non est bona, neque utilis, ubi tamen contingat necessitas, debet uti ea inter duos somnos, scilicet post mediam noctem, et melius est exercere eam ter in sex diebus pro exemplo ut singulis duobus diebus semel, quam bis in una die, etiam quod staret per decem dies." Opera, tom. ix. p. 135.

The origin of the brutality towards madmen warred against by Charles Reade, and described in "Romeo and Juliet" "Not mad, but bound more than a madman is, Shut up in prison, kept without my food, Whipp'd and tormented" is seen in our extracts, which recall, too, in their insistence on bleeding the "head vein," Juvenal's remark on his friend about to marry: "O medici, mediam pertundite venam."

Iam ego coeperam ephebum in gymnasium deducere, ego studia eius ordinare, ego docere ac praecipere, ne quis praedator corporis admitteretur in domum. . . . "Forte cum in triclinio iaceremus, quia dies sollemnis ludum artaverat pigritiamque recedendi imposuerat hilaritas longior, fere circa mediam noctem intellexi puerum vigilare.

Tantus est calor, quod virilia hominum exeunt corpus, et descendant usque at mediam tibiarum: ideo faciunt unctionum, et ungunt illa, et in, quibusdam sacculis ponunt circa se cingentes, et aliter morerentur. This place seems to have been Tatta, in the Delta of the Indus.

Debris inclyta affuso fonte, cujus aqua ex coelesti quidem vertigine mutant qualitatem, at controversa siderum disciplina; quidpe qui friget calore, calet frigore; a medio scilicet die ad noctem mediam aquis ferventibus, totidemque horis ad medium diem rigentibus. Caterum et Troglodytas et Garmantas olim Romanorum arma superaverunt. Numidia et Mauritania. Numidia.

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