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Updated: January 15, 2025

The manuscript of many of Animuccia's compositions is still preserved in the Vatican Library. From the latter Padre Martini has taken two specimens for his Saggio di Contrapunto. A mass from the Primo Libra di Messe on the canto fermo of the hymn Conditor alme siderum is published in modern notation in the Anthologie des maîtres religieux primitifs of the Chanteurs de Saint Gervais.

Debris inclyta affuso fonte, cujus aqua ex coelesti quidem vertigine mutant qualitatem, at controversa siderum disciplina; quidpe qui friget calore, calet frigore; a medio scilicet die ad noctem mediam aquis ferventibus, totidemque horis ad medium diem rigentibus. Caterum et Troglodytas et Garmantas olim Romanorum arma superaverunt. Numidia et Mauritania. Numidia.

"Motus autem siderum," such is the reverent and sententious remark of Grotius, "qui eccentrici, quique epicyclici dicuntur, manifeste ostendunt non vim materiæ, sed liberi agentis ordinationem." See De Veritate Rel. Christ. Lib. i. § 7. "Now, there was a word spoken to me in private, and my ears, by stealth as it were, received the veins of its whisper." Job, chap. iv. verse 12.

See the paper by M. T. H. MARTIN, of Rennes, Sur les Observations astronomiques envoyées, dit on, de Babylone en Grèce par Callisthène, Paris, 1863. The texts to this effect will be found collected in the essay of M. Martin. We shall be content here with quoting a phrase from Cicero which expresses the general opinion: "Chaldæi cognitione siderum sollertiaque ingeniorum antecellunt."

"Chaldæi ... diuturnâ observatione siderum scientiam putantur effecisse, ut prædeci posset quid cuique eventurum et quo quisque fato natus esset." CICERO, De Divinatione, i. 1, 2. It would now, perhaps, be possible, thanks to recent discoveries, to give more precise and circumstantial details than those of Laplace.

and a thousand of the like, wherewith the world suffers itself to be so easily imposed upon, believing that our interests affect the heavens, and that their infinity is concerned at our ordinary actions: "Non tanta caelo societas nobiscum est, ut nostro fato mortalis sit ille quoque siderum fulgor." Pliny, Nat.

'Siderum regina bicornis audi, Luna puellas, quoted Mr Dean, with a side glance at the radiant Daisy; and if that confident lady had understood Latin, she would have judged from this satirical quotation that Dr Alder was not so subjugated by her charms as to contemplate matrimony.

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