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Updated: January 26, 2025
It is not the first time, I trow, that Calore have slept at the root of a tree." One of the striplings now gave us barley for our animals in a large bag, into which we successively introduced their heads, allowing the famished creatures to regale themselves till we conceived that they had satisfied their hunger.
Your plan is a plausible one, mother, or at least some people would think so; but I am, as you are aware, of another chim, and have no inclination to pass my life in this country. Gypsy Mother. Then return to your own country, my Caloro, the chabi can cross the pani. Would she not do business in London with the rest of the Calore? Or why not go to the land of the Corahai?
'Nonne vides quaecunque mora, fluidoque calore Corpora tabescunt in parva animalia verti'
"Primus effectus orationis ecstaticae est in corpore, quod ita remanet, ac si per animam non informaretur, infrigidatur enim calore naturali deficiente, clauduntur suaviter oculi, et alii sensus amittuntur: contingit tamen quod corpus infirmum in hac oratione sanitatem recuperat." Anton. a Spirit. Sancto, Direct. Mystic. tr. iv. d. 2, section 4, n. 150.
SECT. II. Scelotyrbe festinans: est peculiaris scelotyrbes species in qua ægri solito more dum gradi volunt currere coguntur, quod videre est apud D. Carquet, et observavit Leydæ illustr. Gaubius. Patholog. instit. 751, et in loquela hæc volubilitas dicitur quâ lingua præcurrit mentem. Video actu mulierem sexagenariam hoc affectam morbo siccitati nervorum tribuendo; laborat enim rheumatismo sicco, seu ab acrimonia sanguinis, dolores nocte a calore recrudescunt,
"Senor, as your worship is an Englishman, and a good ginete, and, moreover, understands the ways of the Calore, and their tricks and their language also, I will sell him to you a bargain. I will take two hundred and sixty dollars for him and no less." "That is a large sum," said I. "No, Senor, not at all, considering that he is a baggage pony, and belongs to the troop, and is not mine to sell."
It was to declare his glory to the Cales and Gentiles that I came to the land of Spain. Antonio. And who sent you on this errand? Myself. You would scarcely understand me were I to inform you. Know, however, that there are many in foreign lands who lament the darkness which envelops Spain, and the scenes of cruelty, robbery, and murder which deform it. Antonio. Are they Calore or Busne? Myself.
The Calore neither rob nor murder each other, the Busno do; nor are they cruel to their animals, their law forbids them. When I was a child I was beating a burra, but my father stopped my hand, and chided me. "Hurt not the animal," said he; "for within it is the soul of your own sister!" Myself. And do you believe in this wild doctrine, O Antonio? Antonio. Sometimes I do, sometimes I do not.
"You forget that you are soldiers," said I. "How should you buy my horse?" "We are soldiers, your worship," said the corporal, "but we are still Calore; we buy and sell bestis; the captain of our troop is in league with us. We have been to the wars, but not to fight; we left that to the Busne. We have kept together, and like true Calore, have stood back to back.
Yes, sure enough, there were the countenances of Egypt, and the fixed filmy stare of eye. We continued looking at each other for a minute at least, when the corporal, a villainous- looking fellow, at last said, in the richest gypsy whine imaginable, "the erray know us, the poor Calore! And he an Englishman! Bullati!
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