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Updated: November 20, 2024

Raidler took a quart bottle of whisky from his medicine cabinet. "Here, take him this," he said. Thus was instituted the reign of terror at the Solito Ranch. For a few weeks McGuire blustered and boasted and swaggered before the cow- punchers who rode in for miles around to see this latest importation of Raidler's. He was an absolutely new experience to them.

I played at sight a sonata of Becke's, which was rather difficult, but very poor, al solito. The astonishment of the Capellmeister and the organist was indescribable. I have played my six sonatas by heart repeatedly, both here and in Munich. The fifth in G, I played at the distinguished Casino concert, and the last in D, which has an incomparable effect on Stein's pianos.

Raidler took a quart bottle of whisky from his medicine cabinet. "Here, take him this," he said. Thus was instituted the reign of terror at the Solito Ranch. For a few weeks McGuire blustered and boasted and swaggered before the cow-punchers who rode in for miles around to see this latest importation of Raidler's. He was an absolutely new experience to them.

V. Ubi autem solito pauciores deferunter ad eadem organa spiritus animales, imperfectæ ac imbecillæ observantur fieri eadem functiones, in motu tremulo et infirmo, nec diu durante, in visu debili, ac mox defatigato, &c. Sect.

Laeto nata solo, dextrâ, rosa, pollice carpta; Unde tibi solito pulcrior, unde color? Num te iterum tinxit Venus? an potius tibi tantum Borgia purpureo praebuit ore decus? Ad Bembum de Lucretia. Si mutatur in X. C. tertia nominis hujus Littera lux fiet, quod modo luc fuerat. Retia subsequitur, cui tu hæc subiunge paraque, Subscribens lux hæc retia, Bembe, parat.

Aen. 3, 411: Angusti rarescent claustra Pelori. Chattos suos. As if the Chatti were the children of the Forest, and the Forest emphatically their country. Passow. Prosequitur, deponit. Begins, continues, and ends with the Chatti. Poetical==is coextensive with. Duriora, sc. solito, or his, cf. Gr. 256, 9. Stricti, sinewy, strong, which has the same root as stringo.

Five of them had been guests of Solito Ranch until they had been able to leave, cured or better, and exhausting the vocabulary of tearful gratitude. One came too late, but rested very comfortably, at last, under a ratama tree in the garden.

McGuire was the seventh invalid whom Raidler had picked up thus casually in San Antonio, where so many thousand go for the ozone that is said to linger about its contracted streets. Five of them had been guests of Solito Ranch until they had been able to leave, cured or better, and exhausting the vocabulary of tearful gratitude.

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