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Updated: January 16, 2025

"Ipsa dierum Festorum herboso colitur si quando theatro Maiestas, tandemque redit ad pulpita notum Exodium, cum personae pallentis hiatum In gremio matris formidat rusticus infans; Aequales habitus illic, similemque videbis Orchestram et populum...."

His reason rang true against my exceptional knowledge of him. I had worked myself into so sympathetic a comprehension that I KNEW he would be facing something unknown and terrible in the proposed ceremony; I KNEW that for his own sake he would have unequivocably declined. But, ad najorem matris gloriam, he assented. The main question, at any rate, was settled. The hero would accept the honour.

Gymnasium Patavinum , p. 200. He constantly bewails this step as the chief folly of his life: "Stulte vero id egi, quod Rector Gymnasii Patavini effectus sum, tum, cum, inops essem, et in patria maxime bella vigerent, et tributa intolerabilia. Matris tamen solicitudine effectum est, ut pondus impensarum, quamvis aegre, sustinuerim." De Utilitate, p. 350. De Vita Propria, ch. iv. p. 11.

Indeed, the Italians treated the Pope as negroes treat their fetishes. If they had cause to dislike him, they beat and heaped insults on him like the Florentines who described Sixtus IV. as "leno matris suae, adulterorum minister, diaboli vicarius," and his spiritual offspring as "simonia, luxus, homicidium, proditio, haeresis."

In long shaky strokes Sargent copied the data. Waiting always for a word of help his hand moved faithfully the unsteady symbols, a faint hue of shame flickering behind his dull skin. Amor matris: subjective and objective genitive. With her weak blood and wheysour milk she had fed him and hid from sight of others his swaddling bands. Like him was I, these sloping shoulders, this gracelessness.

He had a son, whose name was Tenot Dandin, a lusty, young, sturdy, frisking roister, so help me God! who likewise, in imitation of his peace-making father, would have undertaken and meddled with the making up of variances and deciding of controversies betwixt disagreeing and contentious party-pleaders; as you know, Saepe solet similis esse patri. Et sequitur leviter filia matris iter.

The national sodalitates or priesthoods such as those of the Sodales Titii, Luperci, Augustales etc. were somewhat different. AUTEM: for the form of the parenthesis cf. 7. MAGNAE MATRIS: the image of Cybele was brought to Rome in 204 B.C. from Pessinus in Phrygia. See Liv. 29, 10. The Sacra are called Idaea from Mount Ida in Phrygia, which was a great centre of the worship of Cybele.

There was much harshness and injustice in Roman imperialism; but what nobler epitaph could even the British empire desire than the tribute of Claudian, when the weary Titan was at last stricken and dying: Hæc est, in gremium victos quæ sola recepit, humanumque genus communi nomine fovit matris non dominæ ritu, civesque vocavit quos domuit, nexuque pio longinqua revinxit?

See Votum pro pace, p. 744. Ep. 534. A matris visceribus. Ep. 1471. p. 666. Ep 383. p. 804. Ep. 801. p. 357. Ep. 835. p 367. Ep. 411. p. 871. Ep. 477. p. 890. Ep. 487. p. 894. Ep. 491. p. 895. & 1478. p. 668. Ep. 494. p. 896. Ep. præs. vir. p. 251. Ep. 1706. p. 736. Ep. 60. p. 772. Ep. 444. p. 165. Ep. 678. p. 960. Ep. 1538. p. 696. & 573. p. 926. Ep. 496. p. 897. Ep. 551. p. 922.

And the verse at the end, about the baby on its mother's lap Torqutatus volo parvulus Matris e gremio suae Porrigens teneras manus Dulce rideat ad patrem Semihiante labello is as incomparable; not again till the Florentine art of the fifteenth century was the picture drawn with so true and tender a hand. Over the Atys modern criticism has exhausted itself without any definite result.

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