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Updated: December 18, 2024
"Which is the champion non sequitur of literature," added Langholm, with literary arrogance, as he took the lad's hand cordially in his own, only to release it hurriedly before he crushed such slender fingers to their hurt. "Mr. Langholm," pursued Venn, "is the hero of that paragraph" Langholm kicked him under the table "that that paragraph about his last book, you know.
They were born slaves, and this circumstance is said to give to their masters a sufficient right to their persons. But this doctrine sprung from the old Roman law, which taught that all slaves were to be considered as cattle. "Partus sequitur ventrem," says this law, or the "condition or lot of the mother determines the condition or lot of the offspring."
Ergo, Q. S., which means good sequitur; it can hardly be a non sequitur, if nothing follows. There! I have just touched all the points of your letter, I think. I have sent my light comment-stone skittering over your full smooth lake.
Gallatin's face brightened, and he said in a tone of perfect good-humor, 'That's a non-sequitur. This turned the edge of the argument into jocularity. I laughed, and insisted that it was a sequitur, and the conversation easily changed to another point."
"Now then I can go on," thought Maltravers; why, I cannot say, for I do not see the /sequitur/; but on he went /in medias res/. "Alice, you sing charmingly." "Ah! sir, you you " she stopped abruptly, and trembled visibly. "Yes, I overheard you, Alice." "And you are angry?" "I! Heaven forbid!
"Perfectly until they find you are NOT in Yolo. Then they'll look here. And THAT'S the time for you to go THERE." Teresa smiled timidly. "It will take them some time to search Yolo unless," she added, "you're tired of me here." The charming non sequitur did not, however, seem to strike the young man. "I've got time yet to find a few more plants for you," she suggested. "Oh, certainly!"
"Aut fuit, aut veniet; nihil est praesentis in illa." "Morsque minus poenae, quam mora mortis, habet;" Ovid, Ep. a thousand beasts, a thousand men, are sooner dead than threatened. That also which we principally pretend to fear in death is pain, its ordinary forerunner: yet, if we may believe a holy father: "Malam mortem non facit, nisi quod sequitur mortem." St. Augustin, De Civit.
"But you see I was right in saying you looked down on me," he concluded triumphantly. This was at best a feeble sequitur, but the argument of the affections is not always logical. And it had its effect on the girl. "I wasn't thinking of THAT," she said. "It's that you don't know your own mind."
Or had a stag been down to drink? We saw the fresh slot of his broad claws, by the bye, in the mud a few yards back. 'We must have seen the stag himself, if he had been here lately, said Claude. 'Mr. Landseer knows too well by this time that that is a non sequitur. "I am no more a non sequitur than you are," answered the Cornish magistrate to the barrister.
"You assert," observes the Socrates of modern times, "that we have a virtual representation; very well, let us have a virtual taxation too!" Here the wit is in the fidelity of the sequitur. When Columbus broke the egg, where was the wit? In the completeness of conviction in the broken egg.
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