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Updated: January 5, 2025

By the foresters of that bureau the following animals were destroyed in fifteen western states: 6,487 Coyotes 870 Wild-Cats 72 Lynxes 213 Bears 88 Mountain Lions 172 Gray Wolves 69 Wolf Pups 7,971 In 1910 the total was 9,103.

The Great Southern and Western consisted of 522 miles, the Great Northern 487, and the Midland Great Western 432, nearly seven times as long as the County Down. No wonder I felt elated. How it all came about was in this way. Skipworth, the London and North- Western Manager in Ireland, was on very friendly terms with Sir Ralph Cusack, and Sir Ralph had a high opinion of his judgment.

Besides this, of the total value of bonded goods, $349,435, the large amount of $135,487 was brought from sea by whalemen, almost all of whom were Americans; and $99,567 worth was goods from the United States; or $235,000 of American products against $21,801 of British, and $23,904 of German importation, in bond.

With respect to the FOWL, I have received only one account, namely, that out of 1001 chickens of a highly-bred stock of Cochins, reared during eight years by Mr. Stretch, 487 proved males and 514 females; i.e., as 94.7 to 100.

This saving, even with the unequal treatment, amounted in value to from 30 to 40 centimes per kilogramme. In order that the importance of this application may be realized, I shall conclude with some figures: The raw wool imported into England, in the year 1882, amounted to 1,487,169 bales, its total value being about L22,000,000.

On election night and for two days following the suffragists judged from the vote in the cities that they were defeated but the favorable returns from the villages, the country districts and the ranches came slowly in and when the count was finally completed it was found that out of a total of 246,487 votes the suffrage amendment had been carried by 3,587, an average majority of one in every voting precinct in the State.

It was the Jupiter of the Arabians, and was made of red agate in the form of a man holding in his hand seven arrows without heads or feathers, such as the Arabs use in divination. At a subsequent period the Kaaba was adorned with three hundred and sixty idols, corresponding probably to the days of the Arabian year. Burckhardt's Arabia, pp. 163, 164. An opinion as ancient as Homer. Iliad, vi. 487.

One of their chief difficulties just now is the large body of Indians bearers, sais, bakers, servants of all kinds who came over with the troops, and will not eat the sacred cow. Out of about 2,000, only 487 will consent to do that. The remainder can only get very little rice and mealies. Their favourite ghi, or clarified butter, has entirely gone, and their hunger is pitiful.

The indications of totemic organization in Borneo are slight: there are sacred animals that are not eaten, and there is a vague feeling of kinship with animals phenomena that are not necessarily totemic. The belief of the Sea Dyaks in individual guardians is to be distinguished from general respect for sacred animals. +487+. India.

There are other suggestions in the report which deserve and I doubt not will receive your consideration. The progress and condition of the mail service for the past year are fully presented in the report of the Postmaster-General. The revenue for the year ending on the 30th of June last amounted to $3,487,199, which is $802,642.45 less than that of the preceding year.

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