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She put her cup on the table and walked off by herself into the shrubbery which encircled the lawn, and though the others looked after her in sympathetic silence, they did not attempt to follow. As Lettice's special friend and companion, the news was even more of a shock to her than to the rest, and it was understood that she might prefer to be alone.

So Tom did what he could to be decent; and Nancy, who was staring with half averted face out upon the garden, made no reply. She, of course, knew all the secrets of Mary's heart and must be sharing her sorrow. Accordingly, any words from him, other than sympathetic ones for Mary's loss, would be untimely. Perhaps, even, she would insist upon remaining in sisterly spinsterhood!

You have even more the greatest essential of all temperament. You live you feel you have the sympathetic quality that spells success with work!" Blue Bonnet went from her lesson feeling that she had the world almost in her grasp. Her English teacher, too, Professor Howe Blue Bonnet could not understand why a woman should be called Professor was delightful.

They boarded the car, and after a long ride, entered a finely furnished house in a part of the city far from Amy's boarding place. The woman took Amy to her own apartments, and after giving her a clean bath and a warm supper, sat with her before the fire, while the girl poured out her story to the only sympathetic listener she had met.

While I do not claim to have any influence with them, nor would I try to exercise it improperly, nevertheless if the team wins and any man should unintentionally and weakly yield to the strain consequent upon such a victory, I can be found that night at my residence. Any delinquent will have my sympathetic and best efforts in his behalf.

Whereas the fact is that a great many of the costliest gifts in this season do not count at all. Crumbs from the rich man's table don't avail any more to open the pearly gates even of popular esteem in this world. Let us say, in fine, that a loving, sympathetic heart is better than a nickel-plated service in this world, which is surely growing young and sympathetic.

Something you said but do not think I'm seeking to learn what it was moved her sympathies." "Oh, she's kind and sympathetic toward every poor mortal." "Very true; but she's intensely womanly; and a woman is incapable of a benevolence and sympathy that are measured out by the yard so much to each one, according to the dictates of judgment. You were so fortunate as to move Mrs.

To that nation in its sore troubles, the sympathetic friendship of the United States has been demonstrated to a high degree. There were in Mexico at the beginning of the revolution some thirty or forty thousand American citizens engaged in enterprises contributing greatly to the prosperity of that Republic and also benefiting the important trade between the two countries.

She combines the utmost reverence for her own faith with sympathetic intelligence for the faiths of others. And confronting her at this hour of the world's history is a task higher than the task of Akbar, and more auspicious. Akbar's design was indeed lofty, and worthy of that great spirit; but it was a hopeless design.

I have heard you say yourself that you would not go back to America again, that you never enjoyed life until you came here." "That was because I met you, Ellen." "I have heard you praise Ireland as being the most beautiful and sympathetic country in the world." "It is true that I love these people, and I wish I could become one of them."

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