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Updated: January 22, 2025
What shall avenge them for their spretae injuria formae? What can repay the hapless performer, who has performed her very best, for learning by terrible, indisputable indirections that her cherished and boasted Cremona is but a very second fiddle?
Boyce, why leave yourself out?" "I beg pardon, ma'am?" She made an impatient sound. "And what do you think of my hero?" "I wonder who the gentleman was, ma'am," Harry said. Her eyes fought a moment more with his bland, meaningless face. "Faith, I think he's a fool for his pains," said she. "Grateful woman," Hadley grunted. "Humph. Spretae injuria formae, ain't it, Mr. Boyce? Give miss a construe."
"It was she who went away. I hurt her feelings by telling her plainly that I was a married man. She flew into a temper and pranced off." "She must be a very " "No, she's not not in the least. It was simply a case of what Virgil calls 'spretae injuria formae." "Talk English," said Major Kent. "You know I don't understand Latin."
It was clear that she had heard of her father's invitation to him to 'beautify' it, and when the picture reappeared unaltered she took it as a direct and personal insult a sign that he disliked her and meant to humiliate her. It was an odd variety of the spretae injuria formae. Fenwick had never been in the least penitent for his behaviour. The picture was true, clever and the best he could do.
Primum propriè dicitur de re subsistente, quia ejus est fieri, cujus est esse: id autem proprie quod subsistit et habet esse; nam quod alteri adjacet, potius est quo aliud est. Ex hac ergo parte, formae substantiales materiales non fiunt ex nihilo, quia proprie non fiunt.
On the base of this figure, are the two following elegant lines, written by pope Urban VIII. in his younger years. Quisquis amans sequitur fugitivae gaudia formae, Fronde manus implet, baccas vel carpit amaras. Who pants for fleeting Beauty, vain pursuit! Shall barren Leaves obtain, or bitter fruit.
"Mister Cary, be you wary By deer park end to-night. Yf Irish ffoxe com out of rocks Grip and hold hym tight." "I would have showed it my father," said Will, "but " "I verily believe it to be a blind. See now, this is the handwriting of a man who has been trying to write vilely, and yet cannot. Look at that B, and that G; their formae formativae never were begotten in a hedge-school.
Et hac ratione res naturales dum de novo fiunt, non fiunt ex nihilo, quia fiunt ex praesupposita materia, ex qua componuntur, et ita non fiunt, secundum se totae, sed secundum aliquid sui. Formae autem harum rerum, quamvis revera totam suam entitatem de novo accipiant, quam antea non habebant, quia vero ipsae non fiunt, ut dictum est, ideo neque ex nihilo fiunt.
Intra quadragesimum pugnae diem lacera corpora, trunci artus, putres virorum equorumque formae, infecta tabo humus, protritis arboribus ac frugibus dira vastitas: nec minus inhumana pars viae, quam Cremonenses lauro rosisque constraverant, exstructis altaribus caesisque victimis, regium in morem: quae, laeta in praesens, mox perniciem ipsis fecere.
Primum proprie dicitur de re subsistente, quia ejus est fieri, cujus est esse: id autem proprie quod subsistit et habet esse; nam quod alteri adjacet, potius est quo aliud est. Ex hac ergo parte, formae substantiales materiales non fiunt ex nihilo, quia proprie non fiunt.
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