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Updated: September 3, 2024

It binds not, then, by its own authority in his mind. And what saith the canon law itself? Sed sciendum est quod ecclesiasticae prohibitiones proprias habent causas quibus cessantibus, cessant et ipsae. Hence Junius saith, that the law binds not per se, but only propter ordinem charitatem, et cautionem scandali.

Tuesday, July 31, 1711. Addison. ... Ipsae rursum concedite Sylvae. Virg. It is usual for a Man who loves Country Sports to preserve the Game in his own Grounds, and divert himself upon those that belong to his Neighbour. For these Reasons the Country Gentleman, like the Fox, seldom preys near his own Home.

No. 131. Ipsae rursum concedite sylvae. VIRG. Ecl. x. ver. 63. Once more, ye woods, adieu. It is usual for a man who loves country-sports to preserve the game on his own grounds, and divert himself upon those that belong to his neighbour.

For my part, I hold, and Socrates commands it, that whoever has in his mind a sprightly and clear imagination, he will express it well enough in one kind of tongue or another, and, if he be dumb, by signs "Verbaque praevisam rem non invita sequentur;" And as another as poetically says in his prose: "Quum res animum occupavere, verbs ambiunt," and this other. "Ipsae res verbs rapiunt."

"Besides," said he, "there are certain tiny occupations in which I am engaged, which do not so much impede me in themselves, as the way in which I tarry over them; for it is necessary that I should be on my guard with respect to the inclinations of princes, that their susceptibilities be not offended, as they are much more ready to vent their rage than to extend their forgiveness if anything be done amiss"; he then ended by making an observation which we have already noticed to the effect that beginnings were always difficult, especially when an attempt was made to imitate the ancients: "Sunt praeterea occupatiuculae quaedam, in quibus versor, quae non tantum ipsae me impediunt, quantum earum expectatio.

Spectatum veniunt: veniunt spectentur ut ipsae. And then, without a word about the play, or the smallest hint that he or the ladies really cared about such things, he goes off into the familiar story of the rape of the Sabine women, supposed to have taken place when Romulus was holding his ludi.

"Spectatum veniunt, veniunt spectentur ut ipsae." Paris, February 2, 1802. Independently of the general organization of Public Instruction, according to the new plan, of which I have before traced you the leading features, there exist several schools appropriate to different professions, solely devoted to the Public Service, and which require particular knowledge in the arts and sciences.

Et hac ratione res naturales dum de novo fiunt, non fiunt ex nihilo, quia fiunt ex praesupposita materia, ex qua componuntur, et ita non fiunt, secundum se totae, sed secundum aliquid sui. Formae autem harum rerum, quamvis revera totam suam entitatem de novo accipiant, quam antea non habebant, quia vero ipsae non fiunt, ut dictum est, ideo neque ex nihilo fiunt.

We are also fastened with a chain, only ours is somewhat longer than that of the prisoner. But we will not think of this; let us go down to where the beautiful ladies are walking." "To see and to be seen," cried Wilhelm. "'Spectatum veniunt; veniunt spectentur ut ipsae, as Ovid says." The friends quitted the wall. "There comes my scholar, little Jonas!" cried Wilhelm.

Itaque si notiones ipsae, id quod basis rei est, confusae sint, et tenere a rebus abstractae, nihil in iis quae superstruuntur est firmitudinis. Itaque spes est una in Inductione vera. In notionibus nil sani est, nec in Logicis nec in physicis.

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