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Updated: October 12, 2024

Templeton sat silent for a few minutes, playing with the tackle in his fly-book, and then murmured to himself the well-known lines of Lucretius: "Humana ante oculos foede cum vita jaceret In terris oppressa gravi sub Relligione Quae caput a coeli regionibus ostendebat, Horribili super aspectu mortalibus instans. There!-blasphemous reprobate fellow, am I not?"

Horribili super aspectu mortalibus instans, that now, as 2000 years ago, men are lapsing into Atheism or Pantheism; and a totally new "dispensation" is wanted to retrieve the lost reputation of Piety. Two opposite errors are committed by those who discern that the pretensions of the national religious systems are overstrained and unjustifiable.

'And that is very true likewise, replied the Baron; 'they are, as the heathen author says, ferociores in aspectu, mitiores in actu, of a horrid and grim visage, but more benign in demeanour than their physiognomy or aspect might infer. But I stand here talking to you two youngsters when I should be in the King's Park. 'But you will dine with Waverley and me on your return?

'And that is very true likewise, replied the Baron; 'they are, as the heathen author says, ferociores in aspectu, mitiores in actu, of a horrid and grim visage, but more benign in demeanour than their physiognomy or aspect might infer. But I stand here talking to you two youngsters when I should be in the King's Park. 'But you will dine with Waverley and me on your return?

'And that is very true likewise, replied the Baron; 'they are, as the heathen author says, FEROCIORES IN ASPECTU, MITIORES IN ACTU, of a horrid and grim visage, but more benign in demeanour than their physiognomy or aspect might infer. But I stand here talking to you two youngsters when I should be in the King's Park. 'But you will dine with Waverley and me on your return?

His wounds are repaired by the same process of healing; and the stumps left after the amputation of his limbs, especially during an early embryonic period, occasionally possess some power of regeneration, as in the lowest animals. Mares e diversis generibus Quadrumanorum sine dubio dignoscunt feminas humanas a maribus. Primum, credo, odoratu, postea aspectu. Mr.

So "semper marcida et deformis aspectu" lean and ill-looking was that famous mare, says the chronicler, that no one would suspect her splendid powers, or take her for anything but a potter's nag, when she was caparisoned in proper character. Hereward felt thoroughly at home in his part; as able to play the Englishman which he was by rearing, as the Frenchman which he was by education.

'And that is very true likewise, replied the Baron; 'they are, as the heathen author says, ferociores in aspectu, mitiores in actu, of a horrid and grim visage, but more benign in demeanour than their physiognomy or aspect might infer. But I stand here talking to you two youngsters when I should be in the King's Park. 'But you will dine with Waverley and me on your return?

See the well-known passages, Orat. 81 and De Or. 3, 155. VESTITA PAMPINIS: 'arrayed in the young foliage'. FRUCTU ... ASPECTU: ablatives of respect, like gustatu above. CAPITUM IUGATIO: 'the linking together of their tops'; i.e. the uniting of the tops of the stakes by cross-stakes. So the editors; but Conington on Verg.

Nam vna habet homines enormis magnitudinis, cum solo in medio frontis oculo, qui absque vllo condimento manducant carnes et pisces. Alia Insula habet homines aspectu deformes, nihil autem colli aut capitis ostendentes, vnde et Acephali nuncupantur: oculos autem habent ante ad scapulas, et in loco pectoris os apertum ad formam ferri, quo nostri caballi fraenantur.

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