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The ring which the Princess had given to the Varangian, served as a pass- token more than once, and was now so generally known by the slaves of the palace, that Hereward had only to slip it into the hand of a principal person among them, and was introduced into a small chamber, not distant from the saloon already mentioned, dedicated to the Muses.

I was not going to wait till I was chained up in some rat's-hole with a half-hundred of iron on my leg, and flogged till I confessed that I was what I am not, a runaway monk." "And why art here?" "Because I am going with you." "Going with me?" said Hereward; "what can I do for thee?" "I can do for you," said Martin. "What?"

Without God I planned, and without Him I must fail. Without Him I went into the battle, and without Him I must bide the brunt. And at best, Can He give me back my sons? And I hardened my heart again like a stone, and shed no tear till I saw your fair face this day." "And now!" she said, turning sharply on Hereward, "what do you do here?

In the first are his social studies and problem novels, such as Alton Locke , having for its hero a London tailor and poet, and Yeast , which deals with the problem of the agricultural laborer. In the second class are his historical novels, Hereward the Wake, Hypatia, and Westward Ho!

After some time spent in the vain hope of averting by patience this unpleasant alternative, Count Robert subjected himself to necessity, or what was represented as such, and, with his wife and the faithful Hereward, and all others of his followers who had been like himself disabled from combat, took the way to Europe by sea.

And she laughed one of her laughs, and said, "I have her at last!" Then, as it befell, he was forced to shew the letter to Queen Matilda; and she wept over it human tears, such as she, the noble heart, had been forced to keep many a time before, and said, "The poor soul! You, Alftruda, woman! does Hereward know of this?"

Roger of Montgomery held the earldoms of Shrewsbury and Sussex, and Waltheof to his midland earldom of Northampton and Huntingdon now added the rule of distant Northumberland. The men who had fought most stoutly against William were the men whom he most willingly received to favour. Eadric and Hereward were honoured; Waltheof was honoured more highly.

"Now, Valerie, my love, bid the count good-evening. It is time to go." The young duchess arose wearily from the sofa, and slightly courtesied her adieux. The count stood up and bowed with a profound reverence that seemed ironical to her sensitive mind. The guests were now all taking leave of their host and hostess. The Duke and Duchess of Hereward were among the last to go.

It was a hideous scene; but one to which Hereward, as well as Osbiorn, was too well accustomed to see aught in it save an hour's inevitable trouble in getting the men on board. The monks had all fled. Only Leofwin the Long was left, and he lay sick in the infirmary. Whether he was burned therein, or saved by Hereward's men, is not told. And so was the Golden Borough sacked and burnt.

Nor at any time had Salome any intimate acquaintances to whom she would have gone. Nor would it have been expedient just yet to apply to the detective police for help to search abroad for one who might of herself return home at any moment. The Duke of Hereward and Lady Belgrade could only wait it in terrible anxiety, though with outward calmness, for what the night might bring forth.