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But its connexion by que with immensus ultra, shows that it refers to position, and means lying opposite, i.e., belonging, as it were, to another hemisphere or world from ours; for so the Romans regarded the Northern Ocean and Britain itself, cf. A 12: ultra nostri orbis mensuram; G. 17: exterior oceanus. So Cic. This interpretation is confirmed by ab orbe nostra in the antithesis.

"Sed Proavi nostri Plautinos el numeros et Laudavere sales, nimium patienter utrumque Ne dicam stolidè. "Multa renascentur quae nunc cecidere, cadentque Quae nunc sunt in honore vocabula, si volet usus Quem penes, arbitrium est, et jus, et norma loquendi.

Ne foret aut molles elegis qui fleret amores, Aut caneret forti regia bella pede." In the fifth Elegy of the third book occur the words "Natalem nostri primum videre parentes Cum cecidit fato consul uterque pari." As these words nearly reappear in Ovid, fixing the date of his own birth, some critics have supposed them to be spurious here. But there is no occasion for this.

Next deserves a passing allusion the Historia Nostri Temporis, by the once famous writer Emmius, whose posthumous book suffered at the hands of George Albert, Prince of East Frisia. The Parlement of Toulouse condemned Reboulet's Histoire des Filles de la Congrégation de l'Enfance for accusing Madame de Moudonville, the founder of that convent, of publishing libels against the king.

They were seated on it also at their tribunal on solemn occasions. Virgil makes old king Latinus say: Et sellam regni trabeamque insignia nostri. Æn. The Romans had borrowed it from the Etruscans according to Dionysius of Halicarnassus. See Phoebens. De Identitate Cathedræ S. Petri p.

Medio sita lying between, not midway between. E. In spem formidinem. More with the hope of invading Ireland, than through fear of invasion by the Irish. Valentissimam partem, viz. Gaul, Spain and Britain. Miscuerit. The subj. here denotes the aim or purpose of the projector: it would have done so in his view. Invicem==an adj. mutual. Nostri maris. The Mediterranean. Differunt: in melius.

They are, like the easy Epicurean Gods, nihil indiga nostri. Not being ghosts, they crave no food from men, and receive no sacrifice, as do ghosts, or gods developed out of ghosts, or gods to whom the ghost-ritual has been transferred. For this very reason, apparently, they seem to be spoken of by Mr.

And he made Gaston teach him what words he knew. "'Non ti scorder," he sang "'non ti scordar di me. That is genius. But one sees how the world moves when one is out of it. 'A nostri monti ritorneremo'; home to our mountains. Ah, yes, there is genius again." And the exile sighed and his spirit voyaged to distant places, while Gaston continued brilliantly with the music of the final scene.

Hanc autem exhortacionem supplicacionem et preceptum tu, fili ceterique successores nostri prestanti animo complere curetis, si nostram benedictionem habere velitis, una cum benedictione filii summi Regis, qui filios docuit patrum voluntates in bono perficere, asserens in mundum se venisse non ut suam voluntatem faceret sed paternam.

The Oxford movement was broken, it failed; our wrecks are scattered on every shore: "Quæ regio in terris nostri non plena laboris?" But what was it, this liberalism, as Dr. Newman saw it, and as it really broke the Oxford movement?

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