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There were several sculdahis in one judiciaria, and cases were often tried before more than one, though each of the smaller local units seems to have had such an officer. Paulus Diaconus speaks of "elector loci illius, quem sculdahis lingua propria dicunt, vir nobilis," etc.

Et sciatis vbi prope transitum illius habentur Christianae Abbatiae, quas olim constituit Dux Ogerus, exeunt obuiam illi in processione cum vexillis, et sancta cruce, et aqua benedicta, et thuribulo, hymnum, Veni Creator spiritus decantantes. Nota: Ego semel cum Episcopo nostro, et alijs fratribus, uimus obuiam per duas dietas, et portaui thuribulum. Odericus.

Cum suis vivat valeatque moechis Quos simul complexa tenet trecentos Nullum amans vere, sed identidem omnium Ilia rumpens so the hard clear verse flashes out, to melt away in the dying fall, the long-drawn sweetness of the last words of all Nec meum respectet ut ante amorem Qui illius culpa cecidit, velut prati Ultimi flos, praetereunte postquam Tactus aratro est.

Cujus regio illius religio. From the beginning his own ecclesiastical policy compelled Luther to sanction the bigamy of the Landgrave Philip of Hesse. In the most violent of his tracts he denounced a miserable German peasantry, and he called upon the nobility to massacre those peasants who had only too faithfully obeyed the provocations of the reformer.

A certain nun named Alerona, for having married a man named Rabennonus, "secundum legem omnis substantia ipsius ad Publicum devoluta est"; a little later Rabennonus, for having killed a man, "medietas omnis illius substantiae ad Publicum devoluta est."

He then implores his friend to let him know the reply of Lamberteschi as soon as possible. "Nec dubites volo; si dabitur otium et tempus DESCRIBENDI GESTA ILLIUS, aliquid agam quod probabis.

"Domine in unione illius divinae intentionis qua ipse in terris laudes Deo persolvisti, has tibi Horas persolvo," "O Lord, in union with that divine intention wherewith Thou whilst here on earth Thyself didst praise God, I offer these Hours to Thee."

Et erat simul inscripta data defuncti secundum modum illius temporis quae continebat duo millia annorum ante incarnationem ipsius Christi de Maria Virgine. Seruatur quoque hodierno tempore eadem patina in Thesaurario eiusdem Ecclesiae, et dicitur illud corpus fuisse Hermetis sapientis.

"Nam etsi Nicolaus Tartalea libris materna lingua editis nos calumniatur, impudentiæ tamen ac stultitiæ suæ non aliud testimonium quæras, quam ipsos illius libros, in quibus nominatim splendidiorem unumquemque e civibus suis proscindit: adeò ut nemo dubitet insanisse hominem aliquo infortunio." Opera, tom. i. p. 80. Quesiti et Inventioni, p. 129.

From the time that Virgil's gratitude expressed itself in the first Eclogue "Namque erit ille mihi semper deus: illius aram Saepe tener nostris ab ovilibus imbuet agnus," the emperor was marked out for this new form of adulation, and succeeding poets only added to what Virgil had begun.

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