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Updated: January 11, 2025
"And can we hope, Monsieur de Camors, that you have the happy idea of quitting the great Babylon to install yourself among your rural possessions? It will be a good example, Monsieur an excellent example! For unhappily today more than ever we can say with the poet: 'Non ullus aratro Dignus honos; squalent abductis arva colonis, Et et "And, by gracious! I've forgotten the rest poor memory!
So that a preacher is resembled to a ploughman, as it is in another place: Nemo admota aratro manu, et a tergo respiciens, aptus est regno Dei. "No man that putteth his hand to the plough, and looketh back, is apt for the kingdom of God." That is to say, let no preacher be negligent in doing his office. Albeit this is one of the places that hath been racked, as I told you of racking scriptures.
BOSSUET would not join his young companions, and flew to his solitary task, while the classical boys avenged themselves by a schoolboy's villanous pun: stigmatising the studious application of Bossuet by the bos suetus aratro which frequent flogging had made them classical enough to quote.
Tibullus gives us a good idea of them: "Agricola assiduo primum satiatus aratro Cantavit oerto rustica verba pede; Et satur arenti primum est modulatus avena Carmen, ut ornatos diceret ante decs; Agricola et minio suffusus, Bacche, rubenti Primus inexperta duxit ab arte choros."
The grant of the red hat to the latter appears to have caused some scandal, for, owing to the Pope's relations with his sister, to which it was openly said that Farnese owed the purple, he received the by-name of Cardinal della Gonella Cardinal of the Petticoat. Roma Bovem invenit tunc, cum fundatur aratro, Et nunc lapsa suo est ecce renata Bove. From an inscription quoted by Bernardino Coaxo.
"And can we hope, Monsieur de Camors, that you have the happy idea of quitting the great Babylon to install yourself among your rural possessions? It will be a good example, Monsieur an excellent example! For unhappily today more than ever we can say with the poet: 'Non ullus aratro Dignus honos; squalent abductis arva colonis, Et et "And, by gracious! I've forgotten the rest poor memory!
POMPONIUS MELA, obliged to notice the matter in his account of Narbon Gaul, accompanies it with the intimation that although asserted by both Greek and Roman authorities, the story was either a delusion or a fraud, JUVENAL has a sneer for the rustic "miranti sub aratro Piscibus inventis." Sat. xiii. 63.
"Respublica orbis terrarum, ubique secura, non arma fabricabit. Boves habebuntur aratro; equus nasciter ad pacem. Nulla erunt bella; nulla captivitas. Aeternes thesauros haberet Romana respublica."
"And can we hope, Monsieur de Camors, that you have the happy idea of quitting the great Babylon to install yourself among your rural possessions? It will be a good example, Monsieur an excellent example! For unhappily today more than ever we can say with the poet: 'Non ullus aratro Dignus honos; squalent abductis arva colonis, Et et "And, by gracious! I've forgotten the rest poor memory!
It is not claimed that there is much ornamental architecture to be found in these Cotswold buildings; it is something in these days if we can boast that there is nothing to offend the eye in a district which is less than a hundred miles from London. There is no other district of equal extent within the same radius of which as much could be said. "Jam pauca aratro jugera regiae Moles relinquent."
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