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Updated: December 28, 2024
As we have leisure enough upon our hands if you give me leave, madam, I'll tell you the ninth tale of his tenth decad. Vespera quadam frigidula, posteriori in parte mensis Augusti, peregrinus, mulo fusco colore incidens, mantica a tergo, paucis indusiis, binis calceis, braccisque sericis coccineis repleta, Argentoratum ingressus est.
It is a confession of failure in the highest function of being, which involves a perpetual self-determination, in full view of all existing circumstances. But habit, you see, is an action in present circumstances from past motives. It is substituting a vis a tergo for the evolution of living force.
This punishment was usual among the Northmen, and was called "at rista oern," from the supposed resemblance of the victim to the figure of an eagle. The operation was generally performed by the chief himself. It is thus described by Snorre: "Ad speciem aquilae dorsum ita ei laniabat, ut adacto ad spinam gladio, costisque omnibus ad lumbos usque a tergo divisis, pulmones extraheret."
Caput est Dara, unde regioni nomen, tenuibus, ut totum regnum, atque egenis incolis habitata. Melilla ad mare internum conspicua urbs Hispano paret. Biledulgerit, Sarra desertum, Nigrita, Abissini. A Tergo dictarum regionum est Biledulgerit regio, longissimo tractu ab Agypti confinibus ad Oceanum Atlanticum porrecta. Nomen ei a dactyloram proventu inditum.
And the roguish looks and gestures of our lackeys were also in use amongst them: "O Jane, a tergo quern nulls ciconia pinsit, Nec manus, auriculas imitari est mobilis albas, Nec lingua, quantum sitiat canis Appula, tantum." The Argian and Roman ladies mourned in white, as ours did formerly and should do still, were I to govern in this point. But there are whole books on this subject.
Many sober minds make coffee and tea the pis a tergo of their daily intellectual labor; just as a few of greater imagination or genius seek in opium the spur of their ephemeral efforts.
Ab Africa minoris tergo versus Austrum Libya deserta fuerunt; ultraque Troglodyta, nunc Berdoa desertum. Hos tegit ab Austro Ater mons, et trans eum Garamantes populi clari, nunc Borno regnum. Caput gentis fuit Garama, quam hodieque eodem nomine exstare tradunt.
If, on the contrary, the unity of life is to be found solely in the impetus that pushes it along the road of time, the harmony is not in front, but behind. The unity is derived from a vis a tergo: it is given at the start as an impulsion, not placed at the end as an attraction. In communicating itself, the impetus splits up more and more.
Certainly highly heated solutions forced by an irresistible vis a tergo through rocks of any kind down in the heated zone, would be far more effective leaching agents than cold surface water with feeble solvent power, moved only by gravity, percolating slowly through superficial strata.
Some of the women in various negro tribes have the same peculiarity; and, according to Burton, the Somal men are said to choose their wives by ranging them in a line, and by picking her out who projects farthest a tergo. Nothing can be more hateful to a negro than the opposite form." The 'Anthropological Review, November 1864, p. 237.
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