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It was a French colonel that was tellin' me out to the Hispano factory day before yesterday, and he'd oughta know because he was through the battle of the Marne and the Soam, and everything." "Did he tell you in French?" inquired Ensign Peters, meaningly, for Dempsey's French was admittedly limited. "Pardon?" said Dempsey, and then, grasping the innuendo: "No, sir, he did not.

That evening he entertained the whole party royally at the premier hotel of the city, and next morning they found a fleet of luxurious Hispano cars waiting to convey them through some of the most picturesque parts of Spain to El Castillo de Ruiz, his ancestral home, situated in a fertile valley amid the heights of the Sierra Morena.

Harrison Smith dropped silently to the ground and his breath came short and sharp. "I was right I was right," he gasped. "Hispano Suisa by the look of it and fast too. Shouldn't have much chance against that outfit." Naturally enough he resolved that it would never do to allow Barraclough to get as far as the stable.

He knew the door very well and it would be half an hour's work to break it down, also he knew the padlock having bought it himself. The Hispano Suisa would have to be abandoned. He did not waste time cursing, but instead leapt the shale wall and took to the fields.

At the time he did not connect it with the two men wallowing in harbour waters. Had he done so he would certainly have driven it over the edge of the quay into the mud. His own car was waiting less than a quarter of a mile away an Hispano Suisa built for speed and the sense of speed ran through his own veins.

The olivine tint is Hispano Moriscan a complexion, if not more beautiful, certainly more picturesque than that of the Saxon blonde. With the damask-red dancing out upon her cheeks, her eyes aglow from the equestrian exercise she has been taking, the young girl looks the picture of physical health; while the tranquil expression upon her features tells of mental contentment.