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Updated: January 6, 2025

Is it a specific germ conveyed by the air to the parts and locus minoris resistencia deposited at the pretended area, or is the germinal matter present in the nasal mucous membrane with certain persons, and requires only at a certain time and under certain conditions physiological stimulation to manifest periodical pathological changes, which give rise to the train of symptoms called hay fever?

It is called in the deed "Ecclesiola S. Mariæ minoris ante portam Beltatam." The street opposite the lesser door led to the ancient city gate, Porta Bellata or Belluata, by which animals were brought into the city.

Finally, their most pressing questions answered, they turned their most powerful ultra-beam communicator toward the yellowish star which they knew to be Old Sol. "Samms ... Samms." Cleveland spoke slowly and distinctly. "Rodebush and Cleveland reporting from the 'Space-Eating Wampus', now directly in line with Beta Ursae Minoris from the sun, distance about two point two light years.

We might put at the head of the scale of crimson stars the one known as Hind's, which is four degrees west of Rigel; we might make a scale of orange stars, beginning with Betel as orange red; then we should have Betelgeuze, Aldebaran, ß Ursae Minoris, Altair and a Canis, a Lyrae,

"Of two stars in the constellation Ursa Minoris, not double stars, one is orange and the other is green, both very vivid in color. "From age to age the colors of some prominent stars have certainly changed. This would seem more likely to be from change of place than of physical constitution. "Nothing comes out more clearly in astronomical observations than the immense activity of the universe.

Bossi thinks it either Turkish or Arabic, and probably introduced into the European languages by the Moors. Mr. Edward Everett, in a note to his Plymouth oration, considers that the true origin of the word is given in "Ferrarii Origines Linguae Italicae," as follows: "Caravela, navigii minoris genus. Lat. Carabus: Grsece Karabron."

Ab Africa minoris tergo versus Austrum Libya deserta fuerunt; ultraque Troglodyta, nunc Berdoa desertum. Hos tegit ab Austro Ater mons, et trans eum Garamantes populi clari, nunc Borno regnum. Caput gentis fuit Garama, quam hodieque eodem nomine exstare tradunt.

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