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Updated: September 28, 2024

The danger would, of course, be vastly greater than that of merely running the risk of capture, if a Spanish vessel of war happened to come into a port where they were at anchor. Of course, I am merely expressing the views of the governor." "I am sorry to say," the clerk said, "that there is no doubt the Moors are about to join the Spaniards in formal alliance against us.

The Moors have not yet attained to that state of hypocritical sanctimoniousness in which modern society in civilized lands delights to parade itself. The taste for strong drink, though still indulged comparatively in secret, is steadily increasing, the practice spreading from force of example among the Moors themselves, as a result of the strenuous efforts of foreigners to inculcate this vice.

'Yes, if I can give them the slip at home. There was a pause, and then he said 'And will you allow me to visit you at Wakely some Sunday? I know those moors well. She reddened all over with delight. There was something in the little stiffness of the request which gave it importance. 'I wish you would; it's not far, she stammered. 'Aunt Miriam would be glad to see you.

Here we have English, Portuguese, Moors, Spaniards, Italians, with some Maltese. The occupation of these people is almost entirely that of sailors, and after deducting the garrison, they form three fourths of the population.

All kinds of extravagant fancies were indulged concerning it; some confounded it with the fabled island of the Seven Cities situated somewhere in the bosom of the ocean, where in old times seven bishops and their followers had taken refuge from the Moors. Some of the Portuguese imagined it to be the abode of their lost king Sebastian.

In the environs of Malaga and the southern province generally, there are orange, lemon, and olive groves miles in extent; and the Moors had a poetical saying that this favored region was dropped from paradise, but there is more of poetry than truth in the legend. What is required is good cultivation and skilled agricultural enterprise.

The Moors fled into the "Huerta del Rey," or Orchard of the King; the troops of the bishop followed hotly after them. When the Moors perceived their pursuers fairly embarrassed among the intricacies of the garden, they turned fiercely upon them, while some of their number threw open the sluices of the Xenil.

And on the morrow that great battle of the Navas de Tolosa was fought, wherein sixty thousand of the misbelievers were slain, which was one of the greatest and noblest battles ever won over the Moors.

It was not quite successful in Spain, where five hundred years of warfare with the Moors had made the people very narrow minded and very fanatical in all religious matters. The circle had grown wider and wider, but once the Alps had been crossed, the Renaissance had suffered a change.

"She looked round with a terrified expression and clutched my shawl with her thin hand. `You won't tell, will you? she went on; `you have a kind face, I am sure you will not tell, but I have been saving saving saving, to send more money to the Moors. I keep it in a bag here under my pillow, but I often fear that some one will discover and steal it.

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