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My articles in the "Atlantic Monthly" on "Jefferson and Slavery," on "The Statesmanship of Richelieu," and on "The Development and Overthrow of Serfdom in Russia" all had a bearing on the dominant question of slavery, and the same was true of my Phi Beta Kappa address at Yale on "The Greatest Foe of Modern States."

Maybe she and I together could swing away out of the current make the shore nothing else to do I'll try it, anyhow." Beside the girl he knelt. "Beta! Beta!" he whispered in her ear. He shook her gently by the arm. "Come, wake up, girlie there's work to do here!" She, submerged in healthy sleep, sighed deeply and murmured some unintelligible thing; but Stern persisted.

The alpha-rays from radio-active substances are swarms of tiny meteors flying at the incredible speed of twelve thousand miles a second, while the meteors of the midnight sky fly at the speed of only forty miles a second. Those alpha particles are helium atoms. They are much larger than beta particles, and have less penetrative power.

As the revolution of the stars continues, however, it is clear that their motion will soon cease to be performed in the line of sight, and will become more and more athwart that line, and as this occurs the spectral lines will gradually assume their normal position and appear single. This is the sequence of phenomena in beta Aurigæ.

It was full dark on Beta Continent now, where Leonard Kellogg had killed a Fuzzy named Goldilocks and Jack Holloway had killed a gunman named Kurt Borch. That angered him, too; hell of a gunman! Clear shot at the broad of a man's back, and still got himself killed. Borch hadn't been any better choice than Kellogg himself. What was the matter with him; couldn't he pick men for jobs any more?

Professor Child raised himself up and said determinedly, "Wendell Phillips is as good an orator as either of them!" He was chagrined, however, at Phillips's later public course, his support of Socialism and General Butler. Neither did he like Phillips's Phi Beta Kappa oration, in which he advocated the dagger and dynamite for tyrants.

In briefly considering these three phenomena, I shall choose radium compounds as representative of the class of radio-active substances. Radium compounds spontaneously give off energy in the form of heat. Radium compounds send forth three kinds of rays, distinguished as alpha, beta, and gamma rays.

It has been calculated, from a study of the phenomena noted above, that the bright-line star in beta Lyræ is situated at a distance of about fifteen million miles from the center of gravity of the curiously complicated system of which it forms a part. We have not yet exhausted the wonders of Lyra.

Max Wolf took a photograph of the region about Chi Aurigæ. No stranger so bright as the eighth magnitude was among the stars depicted upon it. On the 10th, nevertheless, a stellar object of the fifth magnitude, situated a couple of degrees to the north-east of Beta Tauri and previously unrecorded, where eleventh magnitude stars appeared, imprinted itself upon a Harvard negative.

A star athlete, an A student, president of his fraternity, having made the Phi Beta Kappa in his junior year, and now in his senior year being chairman of the student exec. There would be no trouble with the authorities of the college if Court was along to give countenance. Courtland stood opposite the end door when it was unceremoniously thrust open and the hilarious mob rushed in.