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Updated: January 6, 2025

"Of two stars in the constellation Ursa Minoris, not double stars, one is orange and the other is green, both very vivid in color. "From age to age the colors of some prominent stars have certainly changed. This would seem more likely to be from change of place than of physical constitution. "Nothing comes out more clearly in astronomical observations than the immense activity of the universe.

But Johnson could write, and the best of Pitt's speeches are those reported by Ursa Major in a style superbly Johnsonese. The member from Old Sarum once sent Johnson two butts of Canary and a barrel of whitebait, as a token of appreciation for his skill in accurate reporting.

We sailed so far south in the torrid zone that we found ourselves under the equinoctial line, and had both poles at the edge of the horizon. Having passed the line, and sailed six degrees to the south of it, we lost sight of the north star altogether, and even the stars of Ursa Minor, or, to speak better, the guardians which revolve about the firmament, were scarcely seen.

When lying on my back, I opened my eyes and saw a bright sparkling point of light at the extremity of the gigantic tube 3,000 feet long, now a vast telescope. It was a star which, seen from this depth, had lost all scintillation, and which by my computation should be 46; Ursa minor. Then I fell fast asleep. At eight in the morning a ray of daylight came to wake us up.

Pitching the camp at such a place, planting the foot-soldiers in a position of safety, and collision with the foe as soon as he comes, are the means for warding off danger and distress. Keeping the constellation called Ursa Major behind them, the troops should fight taking up their stand like hills. By this means, one may vanquish even foes that are irresistible.

Hence, as I find you have undertaken the taming of that ursa major Lady Dundas, and her pretty cubs, I must give you a taste of their quality. Will you hear me?" "Certainly." "Will you attend to my advice?" "If I like it." "Ha!" replied she, returning his smile with another; "that is just such an answer as I would have made myself, so I won't quarrel with you.

Resolved, That the great abolitionist who represents himself in his speeches as baptizing his dogs, in just ridicule of the baptism of chattel slaves, is worthy, with his dogs, of a place in the heavens among the constellations; and that anti-slavery astronomers be requested to make a Southern constellation for them somewhere near the head of The Serpent, as rivals to "Canes Venatici," which pro-slavery astronomers no doubt designed, in blasphemous profanation of the heavens, to represent their bloodhounds hunting fugitive slaves, placing it in disgusting proximity to our own Northern Ursa Major.

He was now greatly surprised to notice at this time that the Charles wain or Ursa Major constellation appeared at night in the west, and was N.E. in the morning: He thence concluded that their whole nights course was only nine hours, or so many parts in twenty-four of a great circle; and this he observed to be the case regularly every night.

Madge Wildfire had returned to the city, declaring that lovers were the most selfish and insipid people in the world, that she was tired of flirting with Ursa Major, as she called Mr. Regulus, tired of teazing Dr. Harlowe, tired of the country and of herself. The night before she left, she came to me in quite a subdued mood. "I am really sorry you are going to be married," she cried.

"Ursa, a bear, you know. And then, while we were sitting there, the Princess went off into a trance. She said there was a beautiful spirit present, who blessed us all. She called Mrs Quantock Margarita, which, as you may know, is the Italian for Daisy." Lucia smiled. "Thank you for explaining, Georgino," she said.

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