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Not a month in that long file of the "Morning Post" but what Lady Castleton shone forth from the rest of womankind, "Velut inter ignes Luna minores." The blood mounted to my cheek. Was it to this splendid constellation in the patrician heaven that my obscure, portionless youth had dared to lift its presumptuous eyes? But what is this?

Not a month in that long file of the "Morning Post" but what Lady Castleton shone forth from the rest of womankind, "Velut inter ignes Luna minores." The blood mounted to my cheek. Was it to this splendid constellation in the patrician heaven that my obscure, portionless youth had dared to lift its presumptuous eyes? But what is this?

This plague-spot had fretted more deeply than any other into the heart of the school morality, and the least boys seemed the greatest proficients in unbaring without a blush, its hideous ugliness. "Velut unda supervenit undam." The Anti-muffs request the honor of Williams' company to a spread they are going to have to-morrow evening at half-past four, in their smoking-room

It might have been thought that it was impossible to establish a connection between Patmos and Skinner Street, but the first postulate of Euclid's elements holds good universally, 'that a straight line may be drawn from any one point to any other point. Ille velut fidis arcana sodalibus olim Credebat libris. HOR. Sat., II. i. 30.

... Hares Haeredem alterius, velut unda, supervenit undam. He does not seem born to enjoy Life, but to deliver it down to others. This is not surprising to consider in Animals, which are formed for our Use, and can finish their Business in a short Life. The Silk-worm, after having spun her Task, lays her Eggs and dies.

Whose business or custom it is to administer justice, etc. E. proposes reddant. But it is without authority and would give a less appropriate sense. Centeni. Cf. note, Sec. 6: centeni ex singulis pagis. "Sunt in quibusdam locis Germaniae, velut Palatinatu, Franconia, etc. Bernegger. Consilia et auctoritas. Abstract for concrete==his advisers and the supporters of his dignity.

This is the true glory of man, that "one generation doth not pass away, and another come, velut unda supervenit undam;" but that we leave our improvements behind us.

It is all movement; the scene opens before us; the marriage god wreathed with flowers and holding the flammeum, or nuptial veil, leads the dance; then the doors open, and amid waving torches the bride, blushing like the purple hyacinth, enters with downcast mien, her friends comforting her; the bridegroom stands by and throws nuts to the assembled guests; light railleries are banded to and fro; meanwhile the bride is lifted over the threshold, and sinks on the nuptial couch, alba parthenice velut, luteumve papaver.

Porro imago tenet manum eleuatam et extentam in orientem, velut in signum cominationis ad Orientales infideles. De praedicta terra Thraciae fuit Philosophus Aristoteles oriundus in Ciuitate Stageres, et est ibi in loco tumba eius velut altare, vbi et singulis annis certo die celebratur a populo festum illius, ac si fuisset sanctus.

It only teacheth us to seek and to do bonum, velut finem naturæ, such a good as is an end proportioned to nature. All these precepts of the law of nature which we have spoken of could never lead men to a supernatural good. It is only the divine law, revealed from God, which informeth the minds of men with such notions as are supra naturam, and which may guide them ad finem supernaturalem.

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