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Updated: December 9, 2024

I also set L'Attente from Hugo's Orientales, and Ronsard's song, Mignonne, to music. I next stumbled on the idea of writing a grand bass aria with a chorus, for Lablache to introduce into his part of Orovist in Bellini's Norma. Lehrs had to hunt up an Italian political refugee to get the text out of him.

Voyage aux Indes Orientales, Maldives, Moluccas, et Brésil. Par Fr. Pyrard. Paris, 1619-8vo. These voyages, which occupied the author from 1600 to 1611, are uncommonly well written, accurate, faithful, and circumstantial, especially regarding the Maldives, Cochin, Travancore, and Calicut. There is appended a particular and methodical description of the animals and plants of the East Indies.

Apart from these waves of national sentiment, and from the vague music of the "Orientales" and other such preludes and symphonies, there is poetry enough in the various volumes which followed each other at uncertain intervals, to have fully furnished one man of genius with fame enough for what we call immortality. Hugo has enough and to spare for all subjects that occurred to him.

In the commissions granted to Champlain, on the 15th October, 1612, and 15th February, 1625, the same objects are adverted to: "pour essayer de trouver le chemin faite pour aller par de dans le dit pays au pays de la Chine et Indes Orientales." Passing over the exploration of what is now the Coast of the United States, by Verrazzano, I come to the discovery of Gaspé Basin and the River St.

The Tour de Roussillon is all that now remains of a place once important enough to give its name to a province. Le Roussillon, from which was formed the department of the Pyrenees Orientales, became French by the treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659. Here also the great Carthaginian halted, and here, we learn, he met with a friendly reception.

The "Hindoo Maiden" has a deal of the thoroughly Oriental color and feeling that distinguish the three solos of "Les Orientales," of which "Clair de Lune" is one of his most original and graceful writings. The duet, "In Tyrol," has a wonderful crystal carillon and a quaint shepherd piping a faint reminiscence of the Wagnerian school of shepherds.

As this survey of the literature of France was also intended to guide me with regard to the Danish, I groped my way forward in the following manner: I. Romanticism. Grundtvig's Scenes from the Lives of the Warriors of the North likewise owes all its value to the Edda and the Sagas. Oehlenschlaeger's Aladdin is the Northern pendant to Hugo's Les Orientales.

Amsterdam, 1717. 8 vol. 12mo. Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses. Paris, 1780, 1781. 24 vols. 12mo. Mémoires Orientales. Paris, 1789. 12mo. Collection Portative de Voyages, traduit de différentes Langues Orientales et Europiennes. Par Langles. Paris, 3 vols. 18mo. Histoire Générale des Voyages. Par Prevot. Paris, 20 vols. 4to.

And though she was but a wild, wayward, mischievous gamin, a gamin all over, though in a girl's form, men would tell in camp and hospital, with great tears coursing down their brown, scarred cheeks, how her touch would lie softly as a snowflake on their heated foreheads; how her watch would be kept by them through long nights of torment; how her gifts of golden trinkets would be sold or pawned as soon as received to buy them ice or wine; and how in their delirium the sweet, fresh voice of the child of the regiment would soothe them, singing above their wretched beds some carol or chant of their own native province, which it always seemed she must know by magic; for, were it Basque or Breton, were it a sea-lay of Vendee or a mountain-song of the Orientales, were it a mere, ringing rhyme for the mules of Alsace, or a wild, bold romanesque from the country of Berri Cigarette knew each and all, and never erred by any chance, but ever sung to every soldier the rhythm familiar from his infancy, the melody of his mother's cradle-song and of his first love's lips.

The following is the title of the French translation of part of the Dutch Embassy: 766. Voyage de la Campagne des Indes Orientales vers l'Empire de la Chiné, 1794-5. Tiré du Journal de Van Braam. Philadelphe. 1797, 4to. There is also an English translation. Sir George Staunton's Account of the Embassy of the Earl of Macartney to China. 2 vols. 4to. 1797. John Barrow's Travels to China. 4to. 1804.

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