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Gre, bought me a pair of colors in the King's gardes du corps." "And is it not truth you tremple the coackade, what I hear from Philadelphe?" cried Depeau. Monsieur Auguste smiled with a patient tolerance. "If you hev pains to mek inquiry," said he, "you must learn that I join le Marquis de La Fayette and the National Guard. That I have since fight for the Revolution.

That I am come now home to fight for Louisiane, as Monsieur Genet will tell you whom I saw in Philadelphe." "The Citizen Capitaine he spiks true." All eyes were turned towards Gignoux, who had been sitting back in his chair, very quiet. "It is true what he say," he repeated, "I have it by Monsieur Genet himself."

That I am come now home to fight for Louisiane, as Monsieur Genet will tell you whom I saw in Philadelphe." "The Citizen Capitaine he spiks true." All eyes were turned towards Gignoux, who had been sitting back in his chair, very quiet. "It is true what he say," he repeated, "I have it by Monsieur Genet himself."

The following is the title of the French translation of part of the Dutch Embassy: 766. Voyage de la Campagne des Indes Orientales vers l'Empire de la Chiné, 1794-5. Tiré du Journal de Van Braam. Philadelphe. 1797, 4to. There is also an English translation. Sir George Staunton's Account of the Embassy of the Earl of Macartney to China. 2 vols. 4to. 1797. John Barrow's Travels to China. 4to. 1804.

Gre, bought me a pair of colors in the King's gardes du corps." "And is it not truth you tremple the coackade, what I hear from Philadelphe?" cried Depeau. Monsieur Auguste smiled with a patient tolerance. "If you hev pains to mek inquiry," said he, "you must learn that I join le Marquis de La Fayette and the National Guard. That I have since fight for the Revolution.